Has anyone heard of this or tried it ? My grandson is in first grade & is having trouble with math. His teacher sugested getting the cd of rap music on adding & subtr...
Some people claim women are degraded and objectified in music videos. So why do these women actresses participate in them? Aren't they oppressing themselves like a Je...
My 12-year-old girl is absolutely into music (bands like My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Shiny Red Guns, etc). Sometimes it seems like she can't live without the mu...
What kind of music do you let your children listen to?
I let my kids listen to whatever they want. Whatever they like. I grew up on pop (and rap...some hardcore ra...
I was de-cluttering the other day, and found an ipod nano in the closet. I don't really have time to listen to music anymore, and thought it'd be nice to give to my 8...
Do you ever feel concerned about the lyrics on the radio/top 40 and the impact on your kids? I know I risk sounding like a fuddy duddy asking this question. My two g...
I have a fourteen year old daughter who's very into the hard rock/metal scene. She's a pretty good kid but I'm not sure about the music she's been listening to lately...
I am getting ready to start an intense workout program and really want to have a great hour of motivating upbeat music to listen to. I am so out of tune with music t...
The ages of my children pretty much run the gamut. I have four girls ages 16, 10, 9 and 20 months. I also have a step-son that is 13. My toddler has been walking sinc...
Just looking to see if anyone has some good recommendations for CD's for kids. Fun music to dance to and listen in the car without being to annoying. ie. the littl...