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Results 81-90 from 438 articles

Life Insurance

K.L. asks from Washington DC

Hi Mamas! I need some advice!! My husband and I each took out life insurance policies in August 2001 when our first daughter was born. It is a John Hancock 10 Year...


Proper Etiquette When Dating a Man with Children

L.O. asks from New York

I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years He is a divorced dad with two children they are now 18 and 16 .. I just moved in with him and his parents whom he lived with...


Potty Training

S.S. asks from Miami

Hi there Moms, Let me start off by saying that this isn't something new too me. I have 2 older children whom I've gone through this with and never had this much o...


Car Insurance with a teenager...HELP!!!

J.C. asks from St. Louis

To explain why I am in a horrible predicament....I recently had to replace my 1997, 172,xxx mile minivan because it was "totaled out" with hail damage....broken windo...


Ok, I Think I May Have the Answer but I Want to Hear Your Opinion on This.

D.P. asks from Detroit

My MIL has planned to take my girls to a local play. I said yes and tickets were bought. FF a few weeks, I received an invite from my best friend for her son's commun...


Trial Separation

L.E. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, My husband of five years has told me that he wants a trial separation. He blames me for all that is wrong with our marriage, yells that I drive him crazy, and...


A Pottying Freak of Nature...

J.H. asks from Honolulu

SO my darling, intelligent, 3 yo son can sleep through the night... DRY. Gets up. Goes to the potty. Follows the pictures on the wall to take care of business (wi...


10 Month Old Night Waking

A.H. asks from Philadelphia

I'm hoping that somebody can give me some advice. I have a 10 month old boy who is waking at night, typically between 3:30 and 4. From the time he was a newborn, he...


Sprinkler Systen

R.M. asks from Dallas

I'm in need of getting a sprinkler system installed asap. Does anyone know of someone reasonable.


Asperger's Question

M.O. asks from New York

I have a question for any mom (or dad) with some knowledge or experience of Asperger's syndrome. My sweet little boy, who will be turning 3 this summer, has been g...

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  • sensory processing disorder in 2 answers "It sounds to me like your son my have Sensory Processing Disorder, which can mimic ..."
  • no cry sleep solution in 2 answers "Have you read Elizabeth Pantley and the No Cry Sleep Solution??? that was helpful ..."
  • independent insurance agent in 2 answers "Find a local INDEPENDENT insurance agent that can shop around for you and give you ..."
  • think a trial separation in 2 answers "I don't think a trial separation will work, because it seems like you guys are already ..."
  • been dating for 5 years in 2 answers "... were not invited to the graduation but you and Dad have been dating for 5 years ..."