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Results 201-210 from 269 articles

3 Yr Old Daughter Has Really Bad Rash on Her Body!

J.B. asks from Washington DC

My daughter has always had what the doctors said is eczema since the time she was born. So I have used any and all lotions (Aquaphor,hydrocortizone cream,eucerin,avee...


Suggestions on How to Deal with Mother-in-law's Comments

L.B. asks from Portland

This is my first time asking for suggestions, but I figured this was the right place to come. Basically I am looking for a way to talk to my mother-in-law with out he...


Choosing Date for C-section.

R.S. asks from Seattle

I'm expecting to have another c-section. My doc set a date for a week before my baby's due date. On our last appointment, he said he'd order it but that we could ch...


Diet Soda for Kids

G.G. asks from Chicago

First of all let me tell you that my children drink a ton of milk and that is usually their drink of choice. Soda is given as a treat. I was curious on your thought...


Dental Anxiety

A. asks from Tallahassee

My 7 yo son saw the dentist last week and has a mouthful of dental trauma: 3 abscessed teeth (currently there are 2 pea-size bumps on the outside of his gum) and 4 c...


Teething and Tylenol....

R.M. asks from Seattle

So, my 7 month old is teething. He already has his bottom 2, and is now getting another. I really dont like the idea of giving tylenol to him everynight, but i have f...


Michelle Duggar Miscarriage

K.L. asks from Sacramento

I was sad to read today that the Duggars have miscarried their 20th child. They went to the 20wk ultrasound to find out the gender, and there was no heartbeat. There ...


Letting Infant Sleep on Tummy

B.D. asks from Dallas

I know that because of SIDS the AAP and other organizations/doctors recommend almost always putting your baby to sleep on their back, except in extreme cases of reflu...


Seeking Advice/Comfort on an Unevenful Situation

A.A. asks from Dallas

For the past 10 months I had been dating a man. We had our typical up and downs as with any ordinary relationship. Here lately, he had been asking to meet my family, ...


Uh-oh! Insert Foot (**Political**)

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

What do you think about the remarks made by Romney that were first publicized by Mother Jones? Has this changed your opinion of him? Will it change your vote this...

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