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Results 171-180 from 269 articles

6 Yr Old with Migraine

M.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi my son has been complaining of a headache since last Thursday. It all started with him finding out that our cat was hit by a car that morning and had died. He to...


Getting Along with Kids in the Neighborhood

K.S. asks from Cumberland

I am having an issue with one of the families in our neighborhood. There is a set of 10 year old twins. One gets along well with my children, the other always has t...


4 Yr Old Talks About Mom Dying

W.W. asks from Kansas City

About 2 months ago my 4year old daughter and I were talking about what she wanted for Christmas when she looked at me and said "you are going to be in Heaven for Chri...


Really Strange Budgeting Question

K.R. asks from Springfield

Has there been anyone who has followed a super strict budget plan and regretted it? I know this sounds like a strange question, but I am just curious if there are an...


Questions on an IUD??

J.W. asks from Grand Rapids

I am a mother of a one year daughter, Chole and we are expecting another child at the end of September of this year. This is the second baby that we have had on birth...


Apple Bobbing

R.A. asks from Houston

I found out my sil is going to have apple bobbing at her daughters birthday party this weekend. I told her I don't want my kids to participate because of the swine f...



J.H. asks from Sacramento

I would really appreciate your comments. I've been thinking on this a long time. Do you believe some individuals are just born unhappy, is it learned behavior, or com...


Dating Help

L.H. asks from Dallas

I know that most of ya'll are married, but have any of you used an internet dating service? I am a little leary and not sure if I am even ready to date yet. My husb...


I Want Another Baby but We Have Bad Financial Situations

B.B. asks from Melbourne

I know that wanting another baby while having money problems is probably the most stupid thing to want right now....but i cant shake the feeling. I want another child...


Any Suggestions for Safely Eliminating Brown Recluse Spiders?

D.R. asks from Nashville

I have a 14 month old and have just recently seen (and killed) several brown recluse spiders in my home. I have researched this extensively online, and found that hav...

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