4 Yr Old Talks About Mom Dying

Updated on November 07, 2008
W.W. asks from Kansas City, MO
16 answers

About 2 months ago my 4year old daughter and I were talking about what she wanted for Christmas when she looked at me and said "you are going to be in Heaven for Christmas." I asked what she was talking about and she told me that I was going to die before Christmas...I was shocked I asked why she would think that she responded "I just know." I was concerned but let it go and she never said anymore about it. Yesterday she and I were in her room putting away all her summer clothes in a big tote. I explained that I was going to have her Dad put them in the attic until next spring when it got warm again. She looked at me and said you aren't going to be here next Spring...I asked well where am I going to be...she answered Heaven. I asked why she thought that and again just like a couple months ago she said I just know. Okay now I'm alittle freaked out noone has died in our family or friends since she was 6 months old. I don't think she has heard anyone talk about death. So where in the world could this be coming from?

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answers from Columbia on

I can understand why you would be freaked out, I would be too! I would probe her a little more on how she "just knows." Has she seen any movies or TV shows that would give her any ideas?

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answers from Wichita on

Hold her and love her and spend as much quality time with her. Children hear things or see things on TV and do not always know how to process the information. None of us know when our last day on earth will be so it is always prudent to live life to the fullest. Reassure her and have your husband do the same. Remind her often how much joy she and her sister bring you and that you plan to be with her for a very long time. In order to validate her views as well, tell her that only God knows our time and if yours comes soon, reassure her that you believe in Jesus as the Son of God and that you will go to heaven and wait for your loved ones. Always tell her you love her and will keep her safe. Read books about life, death, life cycles in plants, etc. so that she has a better understanding about the cycle of life. Pray with her for safe keeping for you, your family, the world, etc. The spiritual comfort that prayer provides along with your loving presence and reassurance will help her through this time (and will help you too!)and will help her realize that her "predictions" are nothing more than a young mind learning to comprehend reality and fantasy.
Take care, do not fear, and trust in God. I will pray for you and your family. K.

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answers from Wichita on

Good Morning W., I agree completely with Ruth. There are so many things running through little minds. If the topic arises again, assure her that you know Heaven is a wonderful place and we all will get to see it at sometime. But your plan is to be here with her, sister and daddy for a very very long time. You will watch her grow up, go to school, get married and have children of her own and you will be there to see it all.

We have had two close relative pass in the last 2 yrs. Both my Mom's. Step mom Aug. 20, 07. My Mom in Aug 19, 08. Our gr daughter Tia ( 9 ) asked if I would be old like Gr. ma and Dear Dear when I went to heaven. All I could say was that is my plan My Angel, God knows my days. She smiled and gave me a hug.

I wouldn't be an alarmist, rushing around to make sure your healthy or anything like that. You know your self how you feel. Fear Not is what our Lord Tells us, I am with you through all of your days.
F. False E. Evidence A. Appearing R. Real

God Bless you and yours, For a long joyful, happy life.
K. Nana of 5

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answers from St. Louis on

W., 4 year olds are curious creatures. They have so many ideas and concepts in their little head but still lack some of the communication skills to get them all out in the open.

She is already communicating something loud and clear to you. If she loves you, and we all know that she does. If she would miss you if you were gone, then she has to be terrified inside. If she really believes that are going to die, she must be very scared. By telling you what she believes she has shared with you a fear that she has. I personally would not ignore it. She has to be terrified of losing you if she really believes this.

If you are a christian or religous in any way at all, I think you might have a way to reach her. Take a few days talking about heaven and God. Talk to her about how God hears prayers, how he hears and sees everything we do. Once you have her full attention and you think she fully believes that he hears, ask her if she would pray for you. Put the fear to rest, by sitting down and praying that God would protect you and keep you safe so you continue to be her mommy.

This will do 2 things. It will bring her fear out in the open, but it will also give her a way to take control of it. As a 4 year old belief in what God can do can relieve a great deal of stress. They are so trusting in that way.

If you can reasure her by allowing her to take it to higher power, it may take her fear away. I would hate the thought of this child living with "knowing" her mother would not be around in a few months.

After Christmas has come and gone, maybe the two of you have a deeper discussion about death. However, do not let this frighten you. She may have had a bad dream, or been mad at you and had a bad thought, that now she regrets. She could have seen or heard something on TV. There are so many things that could be going on inside of her head. Just love her and reasure her, but rest easy, you are fine.

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answers from Wichita on

I also agree with Renee. Maybe you are supposed to avoid something or just be extra precautious. Many people think I'm crazy, but I am given prophetic dreams a lot. Usually they just serve as warnings. Around a year ago, I dreamed that my then two-year old cut himself. In my dream, I could not see his arms, but he did not cry. I went through the house putting up knives and scissors - anything he could get his hands on. Then one day, I slipped up. He wanted an apple, so I cut it in half and quartered one of the halves. I laid the knife and the other half of the apple on the counter in case he wanted the other half while I got ready for work. He picked up the knife and cut his finger. I, of course, immediately took him to the doctor. He needed stitches. To do the stitches, the doctor put him in a papoose blanket, so I could not see his arms. And even the doctor commented that he did not cry. So what happened was not as bad as my dream, but it was still a warning to use precaution.


answers from Kansas City on

W., I'm stumped. I don't know what to say about why she would be thinking this. But if it were me I'd go to the doctor and have a physical and I'd be very careful on the road and be careful in EVERY way. Check those batteries in the smoke detectors and PRAY!




answers from Kansas City on

Hi W....

Sorry, but I agree with Renee...it would freak me out too. I also agree that sometimes spirits/loved ones, maybe even God, do choose to speak through children. I also agree, however, that you should do some more probing. Ask her some questions about how/when she got this information, etc. As easy as this is to say...you can't let it consume you. If you do belong to a church or similar organization I might consider talking with your priest and seeing what he has to say about it, of course I think that too depends on what information you come to find out through some investigation! ;) This is a strange situation but you will get through it!!! Good luck and keep us posted!



answers from St. Louis on

My niece when she was about 6 years old, sat alone in the living room of my sisters home. When my sister joined her and asked what she was doing, she said she was talking to an angel and that she was going to heaven. This alarmed my sister, and she told her daughter, "no, you can't go to heaven right now." I reminded my sister of the loving teachings of Christ, the Father and the beautiful heaven he has prepared for us. I told her that God was sharing His love and grace with His child. She is 21 years old now, and has a loving relationship with Christ. Perhaps your baby is learning of heaven in church?? I believe that God is sharing His love with her also. She has heard of a beautiful heaven where God is, and she is letting you know that she believes you are deserving of such a place. There is nothing more beautiful for a child to offer her mother than the hope of a heavenly home. Trust the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. But in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of love, peace and of a sound mind.



answers from St. Louis on

Is your child psychic? Maybe you can find someone that can help her explain what she sees, hears, feels, etc. Maybe she is just trying to get your attention, in a strange and scary way. Maybe she is hearing things from other kids? Have you had someone other then yourself or your husband talk to her about this? Maybe they could better understand where she is getting it from. It could just be her own fear of losing you too. I hope you figure out what she means. In the meantime, maybe you should get a check-up, just to be sure.



answers from Joplin on

I have to admit I would be a little weirded out, but honestly unless you have kept your child secluded from every outside influence the sad thing is they are exposed at an early age to all kinds of concepts they can't fully comprehend...I could rattle off a ton of "kid friendly" movies that deal with death of a loved one...lots of them Disney, The Lion King, Snow White, and others like All Dogs Go to Heaven, and many many more. Your daughter doesn't seem upset, but my bet is she still needs a serious talk about what death is. If you go to church it may even have been something she heard there, or as someone suggested she may have had a dream. I am a religious person, I believe very strongly in God, but I do not think he would tell you that you were going to depart from this earth through the voice of your four year old child...I just don't think it works that way. I definitely wouldn't stress about it. Love your kiddos and love life...
true none of us come with a promise of how long we get, but worrying over it doesn't make it better. I would focus more on the four year old and try and figure where this belief has come from.



answers from Kansas City on

W.--I read this earlier, and I was thinking about it this evening. Do you know if your daughter has at some point heard the song "Christmas Shoes"? There is also a book and a made-for-TV movie by the same title. The song/story is about a child who goes to buy shoes as a Christmas present for his dying mother. It is a sweet song, and part of the chorus is sung by a child. The child sings how he wants to buy the shoes for his mother to wear "when Mama meets Jesus tonight". Local radio stations have played it like crazy for the last two Christmas seasons. I could imagine this getting "stuck" in a child's head. Perhaps she heard the song somewhere and personalized it. If you haven't heard the song, perhaps you could find a way to listen to it and play it with your daughter present to see if she has heard it before. I'd be freaked out too if I heard this from my child, but her thoughts may be coming from something as simple as a song she heard somewhere. Just a random thought... Please keep us posted!



answers from St. Louis on

I agree with what everyone else said. That's all logical. But if it were me, and my child said that to me, twice, I would consider that perhaps God or an angel were speaking through my child. And, of course, I would think I was crazy for thinking that too. But I would. And I would probably just go have a check up and make sure I was ok, make sure I had my affairs in order, be on the lookout for dangerous situations. And then when Christmas came and went and I'm still alive, I'd feel like an idiot for going down that path. Then again, I'd think that going down that path somehow prevented the worst from happening.

I would not consider myself psychic in any way, and I don't really believe in that kind of stuff. But I do think we get little mental warnings now and then. As for me, sometimes a thought will come to me about something that's going to happen in the future - usually a concern. When I dismiss it, it seems to happen. When it catches my attention enough that I start worrying about it, it doesn't happen. So maybe when you get a thought, and you think about it, the thoughts change your actions and your actions change outcomes. Perhaps just by your daughter saying this, it will cause you to elevate your awareness, and change the outcome.



answers from Kansas City on

I am sure that this would freak most people out, but children that age are very curious about death. You need to explain to her how and why people die. She has probaby seen something on cartoons or other TV shows. Death is talked about on TV so much these days, it would be easy to overhear. Kids are more observant than we give them credit for. She is likely just curious and needs an explanation, that would give her an idea about general ways that people die (natural causes, car accidents, illness). She would realize that you should be around a lot longer; if you tell her that you are not sick, old, and you always drive safe.


answers from Kansas City on

Hi W.,

You had a lot of advice already, but just my little grain of sand here....I would talk about it with your husband and family members and ask your daughter where did she get this idea from, when did she realize about it, is she OK with the idea? You might find answers that might lead you to what is really going on.
Also ask your hudband to ask her or grandma or someone you know can talk to her about it and explain to her that we really don't know when are we going to be in Heaven. So again, why is she saying this and how does she think she knows?
It would freak me out too, butis like an email that I received once telling me that if I don't pay someone for information I was going to die or soemthing like that and they gave me ten days to do so. They promised a video with the person that wanted me ddead and all! They also treatened my family if I told anyone. But I did (I don't think I made myself any enemies and there is no reason why someone would want me dead), I did the denounce and it ended being in snopes and lots of other places as a scam.
Bottomline, this type of things scares as and we never know if they can be real, but trust your instinct and ask lots of questions and just in case keep up with your yearly exams and why not, let your doctor know why you are worried and may be she/he will pay more attention to your overall health.
Best of luck, I do wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year too with your family and hope you send us all an eamil and let us know you are just fine!!!!



answers from St. Louis on

I am sorry to hear that your daughter has this fear going on in her head right now. It is hard telling where this is coming from. A friend could have lost a family member recently, she could have overheard something on tv or she could have heard something in Church. Or maybe a friend had a parent walk out and she is just generally concerned about you leaving. Yes, they say that a child's innocense does open them up to seeing and hearing things that we may not, but you can not live your life in fear that your child has had a premonition. There are several little things that you can do to help her through this, teach her some things and keep yourself safe (just in case).

Do not candy coat her fears. It's not going to help. The fears will still be there. Don't promise her that you are going to be around forever either. God willing, you will be, but the truth is we do NOT know when it is our time to be called home to the Lord. What you may want to do instead...is talk to her about Heaven and the Lord. Tell her that everyone has a time, that the Lord will call them to his home to help him as an angel. Talk to her about the angels. How the angels job is to help the Lord look out for us, help us and guide us.

Tell her that you plan to be around for a very long time, and you will do what you can to make sure that happens. But when it is your time to go, it is because the Lord needs your help and that is the only reason you may leave. If that happens, you will take care of her from Heaven as an angel. She can still talk to you everyday, she just won't be able to see you for awhile.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and let her know that is what you are doing. It will help teach her some valuable lessons and help her understand why we do some of the things that we do. If you haven't had a recent physical make an appointment and go. Let her know that you are going to the doctor to make sure that you are healthy. Buckle your seat belt to be safe. If the car is due to have a tune-up, take care of that. Obeying traffic signals and not speeding so not to get into a car accident. Picking up things on the stairs so you do not fall. Making sure cords are not overloading sockets or lying about the floor. Things like that.

Continue to make plans like always. So she knows that you are not planning on going anywhere. If she says something again, tell her that we do not know when our time will come to join Jesus and we can not be afraid of when it will be, so we continue to live our life to the fullest each and every day and make plans for the future.

Good Luck and God Bless!



answers from Topeka on

This would freak me out to.Could she of remembered a bad dream and thinking it is real

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