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Results 101-110 from 269 articles

VBAC Or Repeat C-section?

K.Y. asks from Chicago

I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant with my second child. I am struggling with the decision on if I should have a repeat c-section or try for VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-...


Is He Cheating or Am I Paranoid???

L.F. asks from Monroe

The last 2 weeks my husband has been past 10 getting home a couple of days a week. He text me tonight saying he's gonna be late again because hes horse riding. Reall...


Assistance.. Religious

C.Z. asks from Omaha

Me and my mother are on rough terms to say the least. I am looking for some bible verses I can read and bookmark for days where I am upset because of her. I have comp...


Vacationing in England

S. asks from Chicago

Hi Mom's, We're going to England this summer and would love to hear where you visited when you were there. We will fly into London and would like to go east or may...


Would You Have Called the Cops?

R.D. asks from Richmond

This happened maybe about 30 minutes, maybe an hour ago... there's this guy who rides his bike every morning with his little girl on the back in a child's seat (both ...


I Had My First Miscarriage.what Do I Do

M.W. asks from Portland

lve been trying 3 yrs now,on January 2nd 2010 i just had my first miscarriage .My question is''when can i start trying again''is it to soon or should i start trying r...


Anyone Have a Male Babysitter?

X.O. asks from Chicago

My current sitter is very unreliable, so after getting canceled on AGAIN today, I posted a new ad to Sitter City. I have had a few replies already, one of which ...


Jewelry Insurace?

M.D. asks from Washington DC

My mom mentioned to me at Christmas that I need to get insurance on my jewelry. I know I have some through my home owners policy, but not sure how much and not sure w...


4 1/2 Year Old Boy - Very Upset

A.H. asks from Grand Forks

My little boy can be so sweet at times. At other times, he can be a bear! This is true of all children, I know. But, I think his emotions swing more often and more...


Disney World Advise

L.M. asks from Chicago

So we are going to Disney (FL) for Christmas this year! We are so excited, and the kids are going to be over the moon. They've been asking to go almost daily. They...

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