
Related Questions & Answers

Results 91-100 from 269 articles

Getting My Infant to Sleep Without Me??

M.S. asks from Kansas City

This is more of a two part question: Let me preface the first question by saying I know the dangers of co-sleeping. My SIL works for Children's Mercy. Believe me, ...


Seeking Ways to Relate

N.F. asks from Austin

I overheard my husband at a social gathering telling his friend that since the birth of our second, we have nothing to talk about but baby and toddler. DUH, that's a...


Breastfeeding Question

K.C. asks from Philadelphia

Hello! I have a 7 month old son. I have been giving him pumped breast milk and formula (he recently started eating baby food). I really wanted to give him breast m...


Crappy nights….and I Mean Crappy!

M.K. asks from Norfolk

Our 4 month old daughter was sleeping through the night at 2 ½ months. About three weeks ago, she started to have #2’s in the night that would wake her. These #2...


When Is Sushi OK?

M.M. asks from Portland

My 19 mo. old daughter looooves sushi. She's been eating miso and edamame for months. I recently let her start nibling on my rolls as well, mostly just the rice and a...


Accountants I Have a Question

H.J. asks from Minneapolis

Do you feel that you are gifted in doing math? Or is it an area you struggled iwth but do o.k. with in your field. Do you like what you do. What is your lest favorite...


Picky Pickerton

J.A. asks from Amarillo

Hello ladies, I have a 9 yr old son (10 in Oct) who picks at his privates ALL THE TIME!!! I am at my witts end, it drives me crazy, and I do not want kids at school t...


Advice on Wills

E.R. asks from Detroit

I hate to even think this but am feeling guilty because my husband and I do not even have a will in place and it dawned on me, what if god forbid something happened t...


What Are Your Kids Requesting for Christmas Presents?

K.S. asks from Detroit

Plenty of you have asked what to buy your kids. . .but, what are your kids requesting for Christmas? (I not a big fan of the asking part, but Grandma introduced the c...


Drinking While Breastfeeding?

C.A. asks from Portland

So we're about to have a baby (YAY!!). I didn't get to nurse with my other two, but we are with this one. My question is that DH and I want to finally break in his ne...

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Answer Highlights

  • your blood alcohol level in 2 answers "Just remember that your blood alcohol level is the same as your milk."
  • raw fish sushi in 2 answers "I have heard the recommendation that small children not eat raw fish sushi because ..."
  • steer clear of raw in 2 answers "I'd bet that most pediatricians will probably tell you to steer clear of raw sushi."
  • high levels of mercury in 2 answers "I was just reading yesterday about how Fish has high levels of mercury due to all ..."
  • into your breast milk in 2 answers "... OK to nurse while I have that first drink or does it get into your breast milk ..."