pregnant photos

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Online Photo Sharing Suggestions?

C. asks from Chicago

I am looking for a better way to share photos of my daughter to her far flung relatives other than attaching individual pictures to an email. Does anyone know of an o...


Maternity Photographer??

E.C. asks from Chicago

Hi- I am about 34 weeks pregnant with our first and was looking for a recommendation in the Palatine/NW area for a photographer who does maternity photos. If you hav...


Newborn/Maternity Photography

J.H. asks from Phoenix

I have found tons of photographers that look great, but I feel really uneasy when I look at the price sheets. Not only are most of them charging $400.00 then there i...


Looking for an Affordable but Great Maternity Photographer

M.M. asks from San Francisco

I'm due in just a few weeks, and after realizing I have no photos of myself this pregnancy I am looking for a great Photographer with affordable rates that does m...


Referrals of Good Family/infant Photographers in San Francisco or the East Bay

D.K. asks from San Francisco

I am looking for a good photographer in the San Francisco/Bay Area to take family photos and photos of my 6 week old son. I would love to have a referral from other ...


Affordable Maternity Photography

D.M. asks from Austin

I want to take some professional pictures of me, my boyfriend and my bump but everywhere I look its over 300. Anyone know a place either close to san marcos TX or in ...


Am 32 Weeks Pregnant - Is This Too Late for a 3D Ultrasound?

A.A. asks from Dallas

I've heard that you can wait too long for the 3D ultrasound and all you see is a squished up face and body. How late is too late? Also, where is a good place to go ...


Looking for Great Family Photographer

A.F. asks from Detroit

Hi, We're looking for a talented, reasonably priced photographer to take family photos of us. I would like someone who has experience with kids (ours are 3 and 6...


Hair Coloring During Pregnancy

K.S. asks from Modesto

I've read it may not be good to color your hair during pregnancy. Is this true? Anyone with experience/knowledge would be greatly appreciated. I really don't want ...


Looking for Photography near Independence

M.V. asks from Kansas City

I am 26 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I am wondering if anyone has suggestions on photo galleries in the Independence, Blue Springs, Lee Summit area. I am want...

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Answer Highlights

  • photographer at lakeside mall in 2 answers "Are you ready for this, My Photographer at lakeside mall Ask for Rachael."
  • special moments photography in 2 answers "The greatest photographer is Debbie Crabb (Special Moments Photography). She works ..."
  • called moments and memories in 2 answers "... friend of mine got his newborn photos done at a place called Moments & Memories ..."
  • can order prints in 4 answers "... your relatives, they can watch slideshows (with music) and you can order prints ..."
  • kodak gallery in 3 answers "I downloaded the Kodak Gallery photo album software as well because then you can load ..."