Preggie Pops

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168 articles

Help for "Morning Sickness"

B.R. asks from Des Moines

Hi Moms! I am 7 weeks pregnant with my second child, and feel like the sickness has been worse this time around. It started about a week and half ago, but in the la...


Advice on Pregnancy and Motherhood

N.S. asks from Hartford

Okay I have found myself unexpectedly pregant. I am happy about this and was planning on another child but it happened MUCH earlier than expected. I have always had...


First Trimester Nausea - How to Handle It?

C.A. asks from Boston

I'm 7 weeks pregnant, and my symptoms haven't been too bad so far. But, I feel like my hunger just sneaks up on me, and when I'm hungry, I'm both ravenous and comple...


Caffeine and Pregnancy

M.H. asks from Salt Lake City

So I always planned on not drinking any caffeine while I was pregnant, and I actually haven't had any caffeine and very little soda for the last 6 months prior to get...


Prenatal Vitamins

T.B. asks from Seattle

I just found I out am pregnant with our 3rd child hurray! My concern is that with my previous two children I was extremely ill and I absolutely believe it was the pre...


Help with Nausea

B.B. asks from Jacksonville

I am desperate. I am trying to write this without crying but I wont make it. I am 29 weeks pregnant. This is my third pregnancy. All have been great until now. Last w...


Need Advice from Someone Whose Been Here

K.B. asks from Dallas

I am a single mother of a 16yr old daughter. She has just found out that she is pregnant ! I am devestated as you might know and am sure she is as well. I need some s...


Car Sick Child

L.P. asks from Austin

My 3yo daughter is getting sick in the car. We live about 45 min from my parents so we drive there fairly regular. After about 20 in the car she starts to complain ab...

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