HI MAMAS, Just wanted your input about taking Omega 3 supplements for children.I was reading up on this and it looks and sounds like there should not be any worng fin...
I'd like to get some new books for my daughter entering kinder this year.
1. Do you have recommendations on books regarding friends/friendships appropriate for th...
JUST WANT TO ADD: I am the product of having parents that probably should have divorced when I was young and I wishing throughout my childhood that they would get d...
No more responses please! Some great ones but too many who can't read my question and are acting like I'm forbidding the book bc I think it's too old. That wasn't th...
In January I will have a baby girl. She will be my 3rd child. I have a son 13 and a daughter 11. I planned my first two because I wanted them to have a playmate/sibli...
We are considering taking a family vacation to Florida over our Spring Break. I have 5 & 7 year old daughters and a 2 1/2 year old son. The girls have begged to go ...
My husband didn't grow up with a religious background and I did. I respect the fact that he may not want to go to church, but it does hurt that he chooses not to go a...
I have a 9 yr old boy that has no one but girls that he has been raised with and really doesn't know how to join in the boy activities at school when he's at recess, ...
My son is 5 yrs old and reading at a 1st grade mid-year level. I’ve also got a 3 ½ yr old beginning reader that learned to read just from watching her older broth...
I am a mom of two boys ages 3 1/2 and 1 1/2. My three year old is in preschool this year and has been having some discipline issues that have begun to escalate. My so...