plan my life

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Not Sure When to Plan My Baby's Cesarean!

M.G. asks from San Antonio

My daughter will have just turned 2 years old and our new little one will be ready to come out. I had a cesarean with my daughter and my ob advised I have another one...


Looking for a Good Diet Plan

M.T. asks from Detroit

my baby is now four months and look like i'm on my way to the delivery room again i need some help from more experinced moms and moms who eat right n work out please ...


Healthy Diet Plan

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hi I am trying to change my eating habits but I need help. I need to know how many calories, carbs, fats you are suppose to consume in a day. How many serving of frui...


What Age Do You Plan to Retire?

J.G. asks from Chicago

I was talking to a friend today and she said she is retiring at 55. I was surprised, since that just seems so young. She has a great job with a nice pension, so i sho...


Came up with a Plan to Get Out...

T.L. asks from New York

just so everyone knows, i know you are worried.. we're ok for now.. i've been going over it with some lawyer friends and my parents... and even his parents... im goin...


Do You Plan to Get the Flu Shot?

N.Z. asks from Los Angeles

I'm just curious. I've been getting the flu shot every year since 2010. My husband has been getting them since my first was born. My kids have been getting the...


How to Plan a Baby Shower

M.P. asks from New York

Hi, I have never been to a baby shower and I don't know what really goes on in a baby shower, except food, games, and unwrapping gifts. any suggestions on the differ...


Trying to Plan My Wedding

K.D. asks from Los Angeles

I am getting married on June 30, 2007 and I dont think I will be able to have all the money that i need by then. My soon to be husband seems to have no concern about ...


Best FAT LOSS Plan

P.A. asks from San Diego

Hello everyone, I am wondering if anyone has had really good personal results with the newest fat loss products, Osolean or Glycoslim? I have heard some amazing thi...


Has Anyone Used Herbal Life Supplements to Lose Weight or for Any Other Reason?

F.J. asks from Salt Lake City

I joined a 12 week weight loss challenge in my area. After joining I found out that it is actually sponsered by a Herbal life rep. She seems really sweet and genuine ...

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