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Feeling Blah... Need Advice on Daily Life

L.T. asks from Orlando

I have been feeling this way for a while...but I don't think that it's something serious... just looking for ideas. Before my husband and I got married, I had lots of...


How Much Do Your Children Know About Your "Intimate" Life?

M.B. asks from Washington DC

I'm just curious. I had a friend whose teenagers knew when their parents made love, and the family was open to talk about it in a "light" sort of way. They were on s...


Work Life Balance-Suggestions

M.B. asks from San Francisco

First of all, I don't believe that there is such a thing as "work life balance." If you are a working mother, you have no choice but to figure out some way to manage...


6 Year Old with "Horrible Life"

B.A. asks from Wausau

I am frustrated with my 6 year old daughter. she complains about everything, finds a negative about everything and just complains about being unhappy. lately she says...


Mhelp!!! Adopted Daughter with RAD Is Ruining My Life!

K.R. asks from Portland

To any mothers out there that have dealt with children with RAD..... I adopted my daughter about 5 years ago and the nightmare began. She has been diagnosed with RAD...


Kaiser Permanente Plan?

F.M. asks from Portland

We recently were offered lower premiums with a Kaiser Permanente plan. I have always shied away from HMOs and would love to know if other mamas have found great docs...


Have You Ever Been Disappointed in How Your Life Has Turned Out? Vent

S.M. asks from Dallas

I know that I should be thankful for what I have, and I am. But sometimes I just get so frustrated because I always wanted my life to be a certain way and it is nothi...


Would You Let 'Friends' Back in Your Life If They Abandoned the Friendship?

W.K. asks from New York

Its a long story but Ill try and sum it up. I had these friends in my life since I was in the 7th grade, well over 20 years. It started out as a friendship with...


Looking for Ways to Make My Life More Efficient

C.L. asks from Denver

Any suggestions? I have a 3 year old and a 17 month old. Both my husband and I work full time jobs. We are looking for ways to save money and time. We get home an...


Full-Time Work and Life Balance

A.F. asks from New York

I am a SAHM to a two year old girl. My husband and I bought a house in Long Island seven months ago. While I knew it would be difficult to live on one income, I thoug...

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