Now my water hasn't broken yet, although I wish it had already. lol I am 37 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I was just curious as to know what other mom's exper...
I was pregnant with twins and learned yesterday that one of the twins has been lost. I had experienced bleeding several times and was examined each time, and the doct...
I just went to my Doctor today. i am 9 weeks, and have an Ultrasound fr my next trip there. I asked my Doctor when I would be able to know the sex of my baby, and he ...
I have found out that I am about 5 weeks pregnant with my second child. I called my OB about 2 weeks ago when I got a positive pregnancy test. She sent me for a blo...
When I was 20 I got pregnant by this guy that turned out to be pretty crazy! So I left him when I was still pregnant, I tried to get him to be in his life but he didn...
As some of you might remember I posted a question about my pregnant sister (and alcohol). Well she went for her first "real visit" today and they couldnt find a heart...
I just recently found out that we are pregnant again. My first baby will just be one at the end of the month. This pregnancy was a HUGE surprise. We worked so hard to...
So im 32 weeks pregnant, and i have 2 months to go. Everytime i go in public people are making comments about how big i am! It makes me depressed when people think ...
A mom in Southern California just gave birth to a 13 POUND 14 OUNCE baby!! HOLY SMOKES BATMAN!!! Yes, they delivered him via C-Section - could you imagine trying to p...
My 10 year Anniversay is in November. My husband wants me to surprise him with something. I normally would have no problem doing this but we only moved here ...