physically challenged kid

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Results 191-200 from 348 articles

Article About Redshirting

K.C. asks from Los Angeles

There are always questions on here about "should I hold my child back a year before starting kindergarten." I came across an article today (posted in my SWH) that ta...


For Parents or Teachers Who Had a 4 Year Old Starting Kindergarten

H.D. asks from Madison

My daughter has been in (3-4 year old) preschool this year and is registered to be in Pre-K at the elementary school this fall. She will go to Pre-K in the morning a...


Pushing My Daughter to K or Hold Her Back in Pre-k. She Is Born in December

M.F. asks from Grand Junction

My daughter was born December of 04. She attends a private school, we had her in preschool at 3, and she just finished Pre-K now at 4, she will be 4years and 8 month...


To Go to Kindergarten or Have an Extra Year of Preschool?

D.R. asks from Los Angeles

I have a five year old boy with a May birthday. I'm having a hard time deciding if I should send him to kindergarten or give him an extra year of preschool. He has ...


Should She Go to Kindergarten?

H.V. asks from St. Louis

I have a 5-1/2 year old daughter. She is in Kindergarten and last night we had a conference with her teacher. She begins by saying how my daughter is a sweethart......


Behavior Issues

T.A. asks from South Bend

My son is 5 years old and will not listen to us. He throws a temper tantrum every time we try to discipline him. I have talked to our doctor and I am against puttin...


Spelling Help!

J.S. asks from St. Louis

My second grader is struggling with spelling this year. He doesn't spell well, but brings home 25-30 words a week, which is near impossible for him to learn. Does a...


Private School vs Public School

J.S. asks from Dallas

Here is my dilemma ladies. My oldest son is 4 1/2 and in a private Pre K class now, we love the school and the teachers. He will turn 5 at the end of August and we ar...


Abstinence Program...

J.S. asks from Austin

I had no idea that Texas taught mainly abstinence in schools to prevent pregnancy. A friend of mine was again complaining about the ignorant/evil conservative/religio...


Skipping First Grade?

K.H. asks from Detroit

My daughter will be six next month and is just finishing kindergarten. All year, she has been going to a first grade class for reading and spelling. Judging from the ...

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