physically challenged kid

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Results 121-130 from 348 articles

R JFF: What Is More "Work" or Harder- Marriage or Parenting

R.B. asks from Dallas

I too sometimes say "marriage is work" but usually I'll catch myself and say something like you have to make time for it or be intentional about it. I wouldn't feel ...


My 14 Month Old Is Not walking...should I Be Concerned??

V.F. asks from Cheyenne

Ok my son started walking when he was about 10 months old so I am a little concerned about my daughter. I know every child is different but this seems a little strang...


When Should My Son Start Kindergarten???

M.H. asks from Washington DC

Do any of you have any advice on when a boy should start kindergarten? In our county a child must turn 5 by Sept. 30 to register for school and my son's birthday is ...


Food Allergy Presentation at School

S.Q. asks from Chicago

I am going to give an allergy presentation at a school next week, focusing on food allergies in the classroom/school. If you were new to a school (or a returning ...


Product to Discourage Digging Dog?

E.B. asks from Beaumont

We have a dog we need to leave outside during the day. She is 1 1/2 yrs. old and I thought by now she would have outgrown it. Does anyone know of a product we could...


Wet Sheets

M.S. asks from Oklahoma City

My 6 yr. old still has accidents at least twice a week while sleeping. She rarely had accidents during the day since she became potty trained at 3 but continues to w...


When to Enoll My Child in Kindergarten?

K.H. asks from Seattle

My 1st daughter was born at the end of August. Because she's right at the cutoff, what should we take into consideration for when we enroll her in kindergarten? She i...


Skipping Kindergarten?

M.K. asks from Sacramento

My sons pre-school teacher recommended we look into 'skipping' kindergarten with our son who's almost 5. We are going to look into it. We do not take it lightly by ...


Autism/asperger Vs. Anxiety?

W.S. asks from Los Angeles

My question is that are there any relations between ASD and anxiety? My son was tested for autism becasue he was not very social in his preschool. The result was nega...


4 Yr Old Swim Class Drama!

K.B. asks from Columbus

My four year old daughter has been in swimming classes with three other little girls for about two months and she has loved it... until last week. For no apparant r...

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Answer Highlights

  • needs to know by the end of kindergarten in 2 answers "I looked at the standards and what he needs to know by the end of kindergarten and ..."
  • straight into first grade in 2 answers "... hesitant to have your son skip Kindergarten and go straight into first grade."
  • gross motor skills in 2 answers "... child, she was showing a pattern of delayed developement in gross motor skills ..."
  • fine motor skills in 2 answers "Some of their fine motor skills were not as developed so when it came to writing ..."
  • fine motor skills in 2 answers "... your daughter is probably more focused on learning language or fine motor skills ..."