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Results 191-200 from 337 articles

Does It Sounds like Autism?

J.G. asks from Chicago

Just turned four year old boy: - Very outgoing, happy and silly - Loves pretend play like dress up at home and at school - Gets aggressive with other kids almost e...


How to Handle Husband's Wish to Change Career

C.B. asks from New York

Hello moms. I am hoping someone out there has had the experience of a husband making a drastic career change or going back to school, etc. My hubby just dropped the b...


I Need Ways in Which I Can Entertain My Nine Month Old That Allows Me Time.

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hello all, I am having a really hard time lately and am looking for advice or suggestions on a particular issue. Well there are a few but I will start with this o...


"They're So Smart But....." Descriptions

H.W. asks from Portland

First, this question is not meant to call anyone out. It's just about something I have noticed a lot on this site, so know that it isn't directed at any particular pa...


9 y.o. Boy with Speech/language Impairement,oral Language Skills at Age 7,

L.P. asks from Boston

Hi, are there other moms with kids that need a lot of processing time in order to fully understand what is being said to them. My son is 9, ending 2nd grade. He has a...


How to Dscipline My 6 Yr Old Son

D.P. asks from San Diego

I am at my wits end. I would like to know what you other parents are doing to discipline your 5-6yr old Boys. The reason why I am asking is because obviously what I a...


Negativity or Realism or Only Positivity?

R.X. asks from Houston

In regards to job searching, why do some people who are looking for a job, only want to hear positives from family/friends? Is there ever a place for negativity or re...


Having It All

L.C. asks from Dover

Hi All, I was watching a talk show on television and the host had on a group of six women and they were debating whether or not women could "have it all." The wom...


Getting Stricter with My Dd, but She Feels Rejected

M.N. asks from Charlotte

I am getting stricter with my dd who is in 3rd grade. She is feeling like I don't like or want her because I am expecting her to do x the first time and not to wait. ...


18 Year Old Son Wants His Freedom...

L.J. asks from Atlanta

We have a son (H/S senior) who will turn 18 next month (June). He is an excellent student (Honors/Gifted) who earned money to pay for half of his own car, pays his ca...

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Answer Highlights

  • lives by your rules in 2 answers "He either lives by your rules while under your roof, or he finds his own roof!! That ..."
  • stick to your guns in 3 answers "You should stick to your guns."
  • various learning disabilities in 2 answers "We spent several years having our son tested for various learning disabilities, but ..."
  • does not sound like autism in 2 answers "No, it does not sound like autism. I have four kids, all ADHD, one AS as well."
  • under your roof in 4 answers "If he is under your roof, even though he pays his personal expenses, he needs to obey ..."