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Results 151-160 from 337 articles

I Have Rhematoid Arthritis and Don't Know If I Should Have a Second Child

M.R. asks from New Orleans

I was diagnosed at 13yrs old with RA. I am now 32 and have a beautiful 3 yr old daughter. My husband and I talk about wanting another child, but it is a difficult a...


For Mamas Who "School" at Home

J.L. asks from San Diego

I'm on the internet every night researching homeschooling in our area, types of curriculum, unschooling, etc. etc. I'm trying to figure out what I'm worried about, a...


Sleeping Issues

S.S. asks from Indianapolis

My 2 month old is fighting his sleep. I was wanting to know if this is normal and what is the best way to help him fall asleep fast. I have tried giving him a bath wi...


Homeschooling a 5Th Grader

A.G. asks from Boston

How do you do it? Is there a set curriculum you use? Online courses? Group classes? Did any of you start at a later grade like 5th? If so what made you decide on st...


"After-birth Abortions"????

A.C. asks from Savannah

What do you think of this article? What in the world can we do to actually keep morality alive when the world seems to seriously be sinking? I guess that's my bigges...


Nursing Mama with MRSA

A.C. asks from Kansas City

OK so last week I was hospitalized for phamonia (I know I spelled it wrong) and was told that I had MRSA. I was taking a medication for it that I was told not to nurs...


The Total Transformation - Has Anyone Used It?

A.M. asks from Chicago

My friend is having some issues with her teenage daughter. She is looking into options such as teen bootcamps to help out, but they are very expensive. I have heard r...


My Daugther of 23.

L.N. asks from Phoenix

My grown daughter of 23 has had a history of ODD/ADD/Insomnia/Depression...etc...She goes through times when she does very well and times when she is very low. We hav...


Legitimate Work from Home Jobs - Preferably Online Jobs

L.O. asks from Houston

HI! I have some mom friends who are seeking legitiate work from home job opportunities & I thought this would be the best place to ask this question. Please, NO MLM...


Ticks!!!!!!!! I'm Freaking Out!

J.A. asks from Spartanburg

My children and I went to visit family friends last week, we stayed 3 nights/4 days in their home. My son slept in his pack n play (which he sleeps in at home too) a...

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