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Results 141-150 from 337 articles

Seeking Advice on Alternative to Whole Milk

A.B. asks from Boston

My daughter has trouble digesting whole milk. She's 13 months old and becomes very constipated after drinking whole milk. Her pedi said to switch her to soy milk, I...


An Apology...

L.L. asks from Rochester

I know I am not perfect. I try to raise my children the best I can, to teach them to be kind and thoughtful people... But sometimes, at midnight, after an extre...


My 3 Year Old Please Help

N.T. asks from Detroit

my 3 year old has high cholesterol it was 212 we had to do the fasting thing and it got down to 192 . they told me that it had to been between 150 and 170 . she is 53...


Help! Need Discipline Techniques for 3 1/2 Year Old!!!

M.M. asks from Houston

I have a very active 3 1/2 year old little boy who is really testing our limits. He is a very happy child until he is told "no" or is instructed to stop doing somethi...


Need Help Steering Teen in "Right" Direction

A.V. asks from Missoula

Hi, moms! We're having an issue with my step-daughter. She's a senior in highschool & has lived with my husband & I for the last 3 years (by her choice). Problem i...


Seeking a Company/service to Update My Resume.

K.P. asks from Atlanta

I am looking for a professional service that I can give my work history to and they can create a professional resume for me. I work full time and just don't have the...


Parent/child Interaction

G.S. asks from Chicago

I am a stay at home mom and spend every minute of the day with my children who are 2 and 4. Is there such thing as too much interaction?


How Did You Decide What Career to Study?

Y.C. asks from New York

Now that my daughter will be staring preschool, I want to go back to school. I don't want to spend the time or money on a University, I would rather a short career, ...


When to Start Giving Milk

N.B. asks from Detroit

Ok so my son is a little over 10 months old. He is a very good eater in fact he eats more than his sister who is 22 months older then him. He eats a good three meal...


Trouble at School

L.G. asks from Las Vegas

My 4 year old daughter(who will be 5 in june) is having a hard time at school with recognizing and identifying sounds/letters. She is very bright and I know she know...

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Answer Highlights

  • parenting with love and logic in 2 answers "My favorite book on discipline is Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline, MD ..."
  • use goats milk in 2 answers "Please use Goats milk! It is the milk proteins in cows milk that are hard for all ..."
  • until at least 12 months in 2 answers "... not give milk or other things such as soy milk etc. until at least 12 months ..."
  • local community college in 2 answers "I would head to your local community college and talk to them."
  • go goats milk in 2 answers "I would go goat's milk, preferably from a local farm."