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Results 181-190 from 2,377 articles

Husband Not Spending Enough Time with Family - 2 Girls

M.B. asks from Minneapolis

So maybe my husband doesn't want to spend time with our kids because they are girls and doesn't know what to "do" with them. They are into Princesses, Barbies, dress...


Romantic Ideas for Helping Marriage Through Difficult Time

M.R. asks from Austin

Hi - my husband and i have been together almost 20 years, most of them good, but have always tended to fight periodically (and when we do it is not in a good way - na...


Trying to Get Pregnant While Still Nursing?

J.B. asks from Colorado Springs

I have a wonderful little man who is just about 6 months old and my husband and I want to have another one. I know it may sound crazy, but we want our kids somewhat c...


7 Year Old Not Adjusting to Baby 6 Months Later...

O.K. asks from Rockford

As my title 7 year old is not adjusting well. At all. First and foremost I would like to say that he is highly intelligent, kind, generous, and loving. Ye...


Fussy Baby

N.P. asks from Syracuse

I have a 4 month old son, Milo, my first. He is a fussy baby, who always wants me to hold him and carry him around. I had to quit my job because he couldn't be taken ...


Scared About Babies Being 15 Months Apart

L.H. asks from Seattle

I have a 10 month old son, in 5 months I will be having a little girl. I am scared!!!! On top of all of this my husband is away with the military. Right now I am l...


Ideas on How to Entertain My 20 Month on a Hour and Half Flight.

D.F. asks from Detroit

This will be my sons first time flying and I was looking for some ideas on how to keep him seated and preoccupied during the flight. I did not buy a seat for him so ...


MIL Who Takes Over

J.K. asks from York

My name is J. and from the begining i moved in with my husband while he was still living with his mother. at the time we were both young and his father had passed awa...


Question for Moms of 3...each Being a Year Apart in Age...

K.M. asks from Dallas

Looking for advice from moms who have had 3 children all 1 year apart in age...both moms of little ones and also moms of kids who may be grown already. 1) Do you ...



E.P. asks from Los Angeles

What do you do when in-laws or acquaintances (people who you are forced to be around but aren't exactly your close friends or family) provide TMI? I find this happens...

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