So with this new Hashimotos diagnosis, I was recommended to have my child go gluten and dairy free. I can definitely see the gluten part, but not so sure yet about th...
My 8 year old son it turns out is allergic to gluten and dairy products. Does anyone have any great gluten free foods their kids love? We've tried this before and e...
Hi moms. I just found out through blood test that I am sensitive to several foods. Gluten, (wheat, oats, flour, etc), soy, garlic and turkey to name a few. I would re...
Greetings Ladie's,
Recently my daughter who is 4 was diagnosed with the following food allergie's I was just wandering if anyone knew of a website that has recipes f...
My son shows symptoms of having an egg allergy, and his first birthday is in a week! We were planning on making him a cake, but now I don't know if I should skip cak...
My 15 month old daughter has been recently diagnosed with food allergies to both egg and peanut. I am wondering if there are any bakeries or other stores that I can f...
Just curious, and I'll end up calling the kid's mom and some pizza shops for options tomorrow, but my older kids are having a party this weekend and want to have pizz...
Yesterday, my 1 year old son was diagnosed with a peanut and egg allergy (after allergy testing). He had a reaction to peanut butter (face and eyes became red and sw...
Oh my gosh! There are so many more baby carriers on the market than there was three years ago! I have the Infantino SlingRider, which I'll use, but I now want one tha...
I respect how hard it must be to have a child with deathly allergies so I have no problem making sure my children's lunches are peanut free. I have also educated my k...