organizing clutter

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Results 181-190 from 343 articles

ugh...the Mountains!

S.R. asks from Medford

Dishes and laundry. Good lord. I don't mind sweeping, vacuuming, scrubbing, bathrooming, etc. But I HATE doing laundry. Dislike dishes. What is the chore you...


Toys, Toys, and More Toys...

C.M. asks from Cincinnati

My son is about 4 1/2 yrs and is an only child. He is also an only grandchild on my side and the youngest (the second youngest being 18 yrs) on my husbands side. To...


Cleaning My Kids Rooms?

S.B. asks from Topeka

I have an 11 year old, 8 year old, and 4 year old. Though they "clean" their room daily, it never looks extremely in order. I do clean my 4 year olds room and he he...


Looking for Get Organized..

G.G. asks from Chicago

Ok. I am trying to get better organized... I have recently bought a couple of clear shoe organizers one on my pantry door for the kids snacks and the other one in ...


When Is a Good Age for "Chore Charts"?

G.R. asks from Dallas

I'm a single mom to a beautiful little girl that just turned 3. I'm thinking the terrible twos are coming late and are starting now. As a result, we are in the batt...


Need LIGHT Housekeeping Help, Any Suggestions?

M.R. asks from Phoenix

I am a stay at home mom of a 2 yr old boy and a 7 month old girl. My husband is a firefighter but is also involved in many other things outside of his main job. He ...


Best Organizational Tips

J.V. asks from Chicago

Ok Ladies, I need some serious organizational help. I need your best tips for keeping stuff organized. I have a tendency to let certain rooms (the office, the utility...


Please Help Me Get Organized!!

S.J. asks from St. Louis

We have about 1100 square feet for a growing family and I need to get organized. I want to do this on my own and not hire someone so I need ideas. My main areas of ...


Seeking Help with Staying Organized and Clean House

M.D. asks from New York

I really need advice on how to keep up with everything.My house is not very organized right now.Also,all I do is clean,clean,clean.Does it ever stop?


Feeling Overwhelmed by Life

J.C. asks from Roanoke

I don't even have time to be asking this, but I am at wit's end so I thought I'd see if anyone had good advice. I think my main problem is that my house is a MESS. ...

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Answer Highlights

  • linen closet in the bathroom in 2 answers "... we have a small utility closet in the hall and a linen closet in the bathroom ..."
  • after your dinner parties in 2 answers "... just relocate everything, and promise to deal with it after your dinner parties."
  • take a deep breath in 3 answers "Take a deep breath, mama. I think you need to visit She has ..."
  • pots and pans in 3 answers "i don't mind the stuff i can load in the dishwasher but the pots and pans are the ..."
  • its never ending in 3 answers "... from school, organizing toys, dealing with the bills, etc. It's never ending."