organizing clutter

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Results 91-100 from 343 articles

Will Working FT Get Any Easier When the Kids Reach Adulthood?

2.O. asks from Washington DC

I work FT and have two girls ages 5 & 14. I've learned to let some things go for the time being in order to spend time with my children such as house work, organizin...


Just Not Enough Hours in the Day

T.D. asks from Cincinnati

Ladies, I really just need to vent. And if anyone can offer some advice or suggestions or just know where I am coming from please respond. I am a 32 year old moth...


Is It Too Soon to Get Ready for Baby?

N.F. asks from Seattle

Okay, so, a discussion my husband and I are frequently having is it's too soon to get things ready for the arrival of our son (our first baby) due May 14th. He thinks...


Staying Sane While House Is on the Market

M.R. asks from Boston

Hi All, We just put our house on the market (first time owners) and up until now the organizing, packing, and cleaning has taken some work with a 4 and 5 year old bu...


Bedroom Cleaning

M.R. asks from Chicago

Hi Mamas ! My daughter is 5 (6 in a week) and her bedroom is becoming a cluttered mess. We have a playroom where most of the toys are being kept, but she keeps br...


Deciding What to Keep for Memories

S. asks from Dallas

This may be a funny question, but I am trying to figure out what kinds of things to keep from my children's babyhood and childhood as keepsakes. There are certain pie...


Tips on "Letting It Go" When My Home Is a Mess

B.S. asks from New York

We live in New york city in an apartment. I work part time. I have a 29 month old and a 4 month old. It makes me crazy when the apartment is a mess! My husband alw...


Mom of 2 Little Ones Looking for Maintaining the Home Advice!

B.C. asks from Cleveland

I am a mom of two beautiful little boys ages 1 and 3. I am home most of the time but do work part-time evenings. I am having trouble just keeping up with day to day...


Carving Out Time

C.C. asks from Tallahassee

I am technically a SAHM, and both of my kids attend school full-time, so one would think I have all the time in the world. But it isn't true. I don't stop moving all ...


Organize Family Room with Toys?

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

Help me organize my great room. It is our family room & it is very large. We live in this room. It houses our TV, entertainment center, couches & all of my kid'...

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Answer Highlights

  • before your due date in 3 answers "... quickly and really don't need to be done until a few weeks before your due date."
  • weeks before due date in 2 answers "Here is what I did: 4 weeks before due date I started washing the new baby clothes ..."
  • month before my due date in 2 answers "... my first child I planned to have everything ready a month before my due date."
  • week of your due date in 2 answers "Mateo may already be in your arms the week of your due date."
  • nesting instinct in 3 answers "I think some of us definitely get the "nesting instinct""