My daughter Samantha will be one in two weeks. She has great strength in her legs and can hold her balance for minutes. She can also walk, but is still very cautiou...
I have a happy, healthy very active and social 15 month old, but she isn't walking yet. She will walk with me if I hold her hand, she will walk across anything as lon...
My younger daughter is 13 months old and she is already throwing tantrums. At first I thought it was that I don't spend enough time with her since I leave the house ...
Baby number two can walk, but refuses to. She's always been very quick, physically...could hold her head up from birth, rolled over in the bassinet at the hospital, ...
My daughter is 13 months old and will only take a 45min nap max! She sleeps at night but during the day its like she is going to miss something. She gets sooo sleepy...
I have a 13 month old who is standing but not walking. Im not too concerned but was wondering if i should check with his ped to see if that's ok. When did your babi...
My little guy just turned 15 months old and is still not walking. He is cruising along furniture and may push his shopping cart around if I help him, but has no desir...
My DD is almost 15 months old and is still not walking. In fact, she won't hardly even "walk" when we hold her hands to get her to try walking on her own! At first ...
My daughter is 13 months old, she ca almost walk and has been crawing like crazy. She can get down from high places and that sort of thing. But I was wondering when I...