newborn has days and nights mixed up

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Results 21-30 from 392 articles

Sleep Issues with Newborn

C.F. asks from Portland

I have 2-week-old and a 21-month-old boys. The 2-week-old has just began crying several hours a day. My oldest had issues with colick, so I know that this will not ...


Newborn Sleeping

J.P. asks from Milwaukee

I have a 5 week old daughter who just doesn't want to sleep at night. She has no problem sleeping during the day or when being held. She still has her days and nigh...


Responding to a Newborn at Night....?

H.1. asks from Des Moines

Yesterday we brought home our new baby girl, Lorelei! We are thrilled, she is beautiful and healthy. She is joining us and our 2 year old son and we couldn't be happi...


Preggo with Baby #2 and Having Mixed Feelings

H.R. asks from St. Louis

Dear Moms, I am 4 months pregnant with my second child. My daughter is going to be 2 in July and I am scared to death. I was wondering if other moms had feelings...


Bottle Feeding & Newborn Sleep Habits.

N.D. asks from Visalia

I'm sort of new to the mommy business & decided to bottle feeding my newborn baby. She's a precious 1 week and 2 day old little angel but i'm wondering if i'm giving ...


Newborn Sleep

E.E. asks from Omaha

Okay so I have a baby who is a week and a half old. I know I should not expect too much from him as far as sleep goes but I would appreciate a little advice. The li...


Newborn + Breastfeeding + Middle of the Night Cosleeping = Po'd Husband - HELP

S.G. asks from Chicago

We have a two week old - yay! He's nursing great, however he's had his days and nights mixed up. We have been successful at keeping his up more and more during the ...


Seeking Help on Newborn

J.M. asks from Austin

My new grandson is now a week old and has his days and nights mixed up. He sleeps all day, waking only for feeding. Around 11:00 PM he wakes up and stays awake for ...


Newborn W/ Days and Night Consuded?

S.L. asks from St. Louis

My little one is only 2 weeks olkd but she sleeps swaddled and comfy on her own for 3-4 hrs @ a time but then when the night comes- she'll be wakeful/awake from 1- 5a...


Newborn Sleep Habits...

J.S. asks from Detroit

I have a 6 day old. She sleeps toddler did not. He ate every other hour. This one sleeps for 3 or 4 hours between feedings. She seems to only be awake to e...

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