New Castle

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Results 181-190 from 1,076 articles

We're Moving to the Tacoma Area and I Need Help!

S.B. asks from Seattle

Hello, Mamas!! My husband just accepted a job in Tacoma, and we will be moving there in the coming months. We both grew up in Northern CA, now we are living in No...


Seeking Birthday Party Ideas for 4 Yr Old Boy Outside of the home-LITH/surround

C. asks from Chicago

My son has a winter birthday and we are trying to plan something for the fall for the kids (first kids party). Fairly new to this area. Need some ideas that worked ...


Your Favorite Tv Show

J.✰. asks from San Antonio

Since Thanksgiving, when most of my regular shows took a break, I have been bored in the evenings after my son is in bed. I normally stay up an hour or two after he g...


Should I Give My MIL a Set of Keys to Our Place?

L.G. asks from Los Angeles

The past few times my family have moved into a new place, my mother in law keeps pestering me for a set of keys until I can no longer politely defer it and give in. I...


15 Month Old Climbing Out of Crib!!

T.B. asks from Chicago

Ladies I need your advice! My 15 month old has recently discovered she can climb out of the pack 'n play! With that discovery, she learned how to climb out of her cri...


"And Here I Was Thinking You Were a Good Mom."

J.G. asks from Chicago

After a long day raking leaves, I took the kids to the grocery store for my weekly big shopping trip. I usually try to do this trip by myself, but hubby is away and ...


Child Sex Offender Across Street - What Would You Do?

K.F. asks from Santa Barbara

So we just signed a lease to a new place that is a total upgrade to our current living space. We will finally have a big house with a yard for our little 16 month old...


Bed Time Help

S.D. asks from Port St. Lucie

i have a 4 year old and she got spoiled when we moved in to our new home. she was scared so we let her lie down with us on the couch or in bed, now 2 years later she ...


6 Year Old Birthday Party

J.M. asks from Chicago

hi everyone! my five-year old boys' birthday is right around the corner--in july. i was looking for new & creative ideas for parties. i am open to having the party...


Favorite Parks in Fort Worth

S.N. asks from Dallas

Our family is fairly new to Fort Worth. We have been to some nice parks, but wanted to hear from some moms with more experience from this area--what is your favorite...

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Answer Highlights

  • love american horror story in 2 answers "I don't watch much TV, but I love American Horror Story and so does my husband."
  • registered sex offender in 4 answers "I know you are a registered sex offender." My thoughts and prayers will be with ..."
  • way too early for a toddler bed in 2 answers "Personally, I feel 15 months is way too early for a toddler bed so we had gotten a ..."
  • registered sex offenders in 3 answers "I was like WHAAAT?? Come to find out, we have FOUR registered sex offenders living ..."
  • fife school district in 3 answers "The Fife School District is an awesome school district and it's just a short jump ..."