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Results 121-130 from 162 articles

Night Terrors

A.M. asks from Baton Rouge

I think my 21 mon. old might be having night terrors, anyone know about these? What causes them and what I can do before I lose my mind ? A.


Adoption While Married

L.Y. asks from Nashville

I'm in a bit of a bind. I am married with two beautiful little boys. However, I've been unemployed for over a year. My husband works but doesn't make that much. B...


What Have I Done?

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

When my youngest was 3 months old, my husband had a vasectomy... per my request. I was very fertile as I got pregnant 3 times, each time conceiving on the first try. ...


Breech Babies

C.D. asks from Charlotte

I am 34 weeks pregnant and found out last week that my duaghter is breech. The doctor didn't seem to concerned. He said she could turn in 2 hours or not. I was wonde...


Seeking Ideas for Summer Vacation

M.A. asks from Chicago

Hi- I have no idea where to go this summer for our family vacation. Last year, we did camping in Michigan, and the year before, Disney, which was too hot for my s...


Ready to Start potty-training?/How Well Is Your 2Yr Old Talking?

N.J. asks from Knoxville

I got 2 ?s for ya: -First My daughter will be 2 on May 31,she has made no attempt to use the potty,not ours or the fancy-music-playing one we got her,you can't eve...


Encouraging a Breastfeeding Toddler to Wean

T.D. asks from New Orleans

Is there anyone out there who has experience with weaning (or at least moving in that direction) a toddler? My firstborn weaned abruptly at 11 months, so this is a ne...


Gluton Free Diet

G.M. asks from Wilmington

My 8 year old has just been put on a gluton free diet and Iam going to need some help with this.Please anything you can offer would help.Thanks,G Merritt.


Speech Delayed

L.J. asks from Nashville

My 2 yr old son is delayed in his speech in 3 out or 6 areas, mostly his expressive speech. I also have a 4yr old daughter who likes to be very involved in everything...


How to Loose the Baby Weight

L.R. asks from Decatur

I am 29 years old and have two children. When I had my first child, I had no problem taking off the 50 extra pounds that I had gained. Now that my second child has co...

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