nail care

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Results 71-80 from 2,585 articles

Nail Trimming Trouble

J.O. asks from Chicago

Does anyone else have trouble trimming their toddler's nails? I have a beautiful 21 month old baby girl. She is very agreeable and happy most of the time except whe...


Nose Picking and Nail Biting

S.C. asks from Grand Rapids

Back in April, my youngest son, then just over 2, broke his leg. He spent 2 weeks in the hospital and 6 weeks in a body cast. Well, he got into the habit of picking...


Stop Nail Bitting

C.O. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 3.5 year old that bites his nails. He started doing this about 6 months ago. It's so bad that I haven't had to cut his finger nails in 6 months. I want hi...


Toddler Nail Biting

K.L. asks from Portland

I have a 23 month old. I was so happy that he put down the bottle just under a year and has never been into pacifiers. He chewed on teethers and such, but we haven'...


How to Stop Nail Biting

S.C. asks from Denver

My 4 year old son will not stop biting his nails. I have tried all sorts of bribes to get him to quit, as well as painting something called "thum" on his nails and h...


Suggestions on Nail Clipping

A.V. asks from Nashville

Does anymore have a suggestion of how to get an almost 16 mth old to sit still long enough to clip her nails or maybe some little tricks you may have. My daughter ba...


Care Package for Teen with Braces??

S.B. asks from Dallas

I know a young teen who will be getting braces for the first time. I thought I would put together a little care package for her to ease her transition to getting bra...


Facial Skin Care

S.K. asks from Birmingham

Past 4 years I haven't had enough time to take care of my body/skin ... but recently I am motivated to fix that ... there are so many facial skin care products in the...


Friends Mom Under Hospice Care?

A.R. asks from Los Angeles

Hi everyone, I just found out one of my friends mom is under hospice care. My question to you is how do I help her through this? What can I say to help her? What are...


Masectomy Care Package

L.S. asks from Los Angeles

i've reviewed some of the former questions regarding this, but wanted to run this by you .. my bff is having a masectomy next week and i wanted to put together a care...

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Answer Highlights

  • trim my sons nails while in 2 answers "I found that I can trim my son's nails while he is watching a cartoon OR if he is ..."
  • clip his nails in 5 answers "I also kept a pair of nail clippers in the car so that I could clip his nails while ..."
  • clip my sons nails in 2 answers "I used to have to clip my sons nails while he was zoned out watching a video."
  • highchair or booster seat in 2 answers "I usually do it while they are in their highchair or booster seat eating."
  • clipping his nails in 2 answers "... the toes out of them and put them on him and he never felt us clipping his nails."