What is her mom in hospice care for? I ask because there are a ton of cancer organizations dedicated to being support networks not only for the patient (if needed and desired), but also the loved ones. Imerman Angels was one that helped me get through becoming a cancer survivor 2 years ago.
Having been on the receiving end of a cancer diagnosis, I can say that the only thing your friend really needs right now is another friend.
It's completely OK to ask her what she needs. If she doesn't know, it's OK. Just be there. Simple acts like mowing her yard, taking her kids for a few hours, asking if she needs some things when you go to the grocery store go a LONG way.
Even things like letting her know she and her family have been added to a prayer list at a church can be hugely uplifting.
In my case, I needed people to remind me why I wanted to fight through the chemo. A simple gesture like wearing a Livestrong bracelet in my honor were hugely helpful......and very much noticed when they were taken off even while the chemo continued.
Death reminds us of how important people in life really are. At the end of the day, if you have your health and your friends/family, you really do have everything.