my baby sweats a lot

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Please Tell Me What You Would Do!!!! This Is Long Sorry!

A.N. asks from San Antonio

I currently live with my parents till the summer. My daughter is 6 and I honestly feel like she is addicted to food, she is (edit*)25 lbs overweight (shes on a weight...


Okay Ladies, I Have No Will Power over Sweets

K.S. asks from Savannah

I'll admit it load and clear. I love to eat sweets! I'm in love with sweet things. But I also want to lose these last 10 stubborn pounds of baby fat. I am not really ...


Help with Hysterectomy

M.R. asks from Denver

I have had a problematic right ovary since I was a teen. I now have a cyst the size of a large grapefruit that's been living on my ovary for almost 2 years that is c...


JFF: How Do Your Kids Make Your Day?

S.H. asks from Honolulu

My son... so recently it was my birthday. My son, that morning was saying "shhhh..." to everyone. When I went upstairs, he asks me if he can give me my present. I sa...


Maybe I'm Not Drinking Enough Water...

B.R. asks from Atlanta

I sweat like crazy at night. I have no idea why. With or without sock. In the nude or not. However, I'm cold and love my down comforter. This happened before I gave b...


Alternative to Jeans

P.G. asks from Dallas

Hi moms, So I like to be comfortable, fashion-wise, but I also want to be a bit more put-together outfit-wise. None of the suit-pants from my pre-baby days fit com...


Childhood Depression

T.B. asks from San Antonio

My daughter may have depression. She is 6 next month. She has sleep disruption, biting nails, biting fingers to bleeding, some aggressive behavior, boredom, difficult...


2 Different People, Same Dream, Same Night...

R.D. asks from Richmond

I had a really vivid, lucid dream last night. It was pretty scary (long story short the river flooded the world sort of thing, and everyone was trying to save their f...


How Did You Meet?

J.M. asks from Scranton

Ok for fun anyone have any interesting stories of how they met their better half? When I met Andy I was 1.5 years out of a bad marriage going to college to make a go...


Is This Temporary, or Did I Just Permanently Mom-out?

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

I used to look at well put- together woman and think, "great shoes, great ensemble, what a sharp looking woman." Now when I see well put- together woman I think, "ho...

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Answer Highlights

  • putting your own food issues in 2 answers "Is it possible that you are putting your *own* food issues on your daughter?"
  • life is surrounded by food in 2 answers "every aspect of her life is surrounded by food'! Do you think you have deprived your ..."
  • black knit pants in 2 answers "I love my black knit pants, they are cut like yoga pants but nicer materials, I can ..."
  • your parents need to respect in 2 answers "Ok, here's how I see it: 1) Your parents need to respect your wishes for your ..."
  • respect your authority in 2 answers "Your mom SHOULD respect your authority, and honor your wishes regarding your daughter."