my baby sweats a lot

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C--section vs VBAC

M.M. asks from Detroit

Hello, I recently found out that we are expecting our second child, and we are thrilled. However, I am starting to think about the labor and delivery. I am petite, ...


UPDATED! Majamas? Are They Worth the Money? Did You Wear Them in the Hospital?

M.W. asks from St. Cloud

Hello, With our first two I wore the hospital gown for my whole stays. (C-section and then a v-bac.) I am having a planned c-section this time and was wondering ...


Perimenopause Questions

K.W. asks from Boise

After several months of my period being all over the calendar (I've been a steady 28 days since the beginning) and some research, I went to the doctor and had the per...



E.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hey Moms, I was wondering if anyone can help me get all packed & ready for a mini beach getaway we are taking for the 4th of July. We will be going to Newport beach ...


What Do You like About Being a Mom?

S.A. asks from New York

Dear Mommies out there, I have been reading your question and answers for a few weeks now and really started worrying about my own parenting ability... I am 29 and...


Padding for Crib Mattress

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

My 13 month old recently moved from a porta-crib into a regular crib. I spent a lot of money on a "good" mattress and it seems like the thing is as hard as a rock! W...


105.9 Fever in Almost 4 Yo

A.F. asks from Chicago

I am totally freaking out! My daughter has a 105.9 fever- she will be 4 next month. We have a 4 week old infant and a 2.5 yo as well! Yes, I have been in contact w he...


Hypothyroid Questions

M.C. asks from Seattle

For those of you who are hypothyroid...are any of you trying a more natural method as in watching what you eat and avoiding foods that slow thyroid function and takin...


Skin Reactions

S.R. asks from Dallas

I have a 4 year old girl with sensitive skin. I thought that she was having reactions to sunscreen in the past. I would apply sunscreen before swimming and later that...


Offering Juice

J.S. asks from Detroit

Hello Ladies~ I have a 9 ½ month old who takes (on average) (3) 8oz bottles daily. For breakfast he has a bowl cereal and a jar of baby food fruit. For lunch an...

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