my baby sweats a lot

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Premature Menopause

M.F. asks from Detroit

Hey Ladies, I was wondering if any of you have experienced premature menopause. I fear that I may be going through it. I know how nuts it sounds for a 27 year ...


I Am Haveing Health problems...please Help If You Can

S.A. asks from Cheyenne

I am so sick of my health that all I want to do is sit here and cry. I will be 30 in a few weeks, an Air Force wife, and mother of 2. I have not lost ANY of my baby w...



M.R. asks from San Francisco

Hi ladies, I have 2 questions. I am 41 and going through the change. wondering if there is other women my age that are experiencing symptoms this young? I have hot f...


Maternity Clothing....

S.P. asks from Portland

Ok, kind of an odd request - but does anyone else have difficulty with maternity tops? I feel like I'm completely disproportionate to the average woman. My big pr...


Child with Underarm Odor

G.A. asks from Boston

I have a 6 year old girl, and just the other day noticed an underarm odor similar to that of an adult, I was so surprised because I have not smelled any odors of that...


Broken Wrist and Pain

M.S. asks from Chicago

My nine year old broke her wrist two weeks ago and is still having a lot of pain. I have never broken any bones. Our doctor said that this is normal since kids are ...


How Did You Cope the First Couple Months?

K.J. asks from New York

I'm not sure I'd call what I'm feeling postpartum depression ... I think baby blues is probably more accurate. In any case, I am finding the first couple weeks of my...


Birth Control

K.H. asks from Portland

I was just curios to know if any of you have had any major side effects with this mirena IUD. I just had one put in 2 days ago and now i started reading all these sit...


How Much Did You Spend on Halloween Costume?

N.S. asks from Chicago

For the past 3 years my SD's mom has bought the Halloween costume. This year she's trick or treating with us so we bought the costume. I just about DIED when I saw...


Recovering from a Hysterectomy

J.S. asks from St. Louis

I am scheduled to have a laproscopic hysterectomy in a couple of weeks and am looking for advice from other moms who have been through it. I have 3 young children (4...

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