my baby sweats a lot

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Results 141-150 from 741 articles

How Do Get Through to Him or Just Let It Go?

C.M. asks from Rochester

Just to start, I want to say that I have a very loving husband. He's a very nice man and he works hard to support us so I can stay home with our son. With that sai...


Entitlement Continued

D.R. asks from Los Angeles

I loved the Entitlement thread response and the interest it generated. Thank you for all who took the time to read it and reply. I know I gave out over 30 flowers all...


Need Some Advice from Someone, anyone...please :(

H.T. asks from San Diego

Where to even begin, sorry if this is long winded, but I feel I have no one to talk to. I'm not sure if my husband still actually loves me or not. I feel slightly dep...


Swaddling in Summer Time with No a.c.?

H.H. asks from Los Angeles

My second baby will be born first week in Aug. My first was a Dec. baby and we swaddled her up in our drafty uninsulated beach house. However, now our drafty uninsu...


Seeking Info on Thyroid Disease

B.M. asks from Houston

I was reading a request on another subject and the person mentioned some symptoms of thyroid disease. hair loss (shedding a lot), always tired and lack of sex drive, ...


Reason for Repeat Miscarriages

J.C. asks from Lincoln

Okay ladies, I'm asking for your experience here. I've had 5 perfect pregnancies with no issues at all. My hubby and I decided we'd try for #6 (a girl please God!), w...


MIL Question

M.M. asks from Jamestown

I have a very light 5 1/2 month old dd sleeper when it comes to naps, and my dogs, phone, and doorbell always wake her. Once she is awake their is no way to get her ...


Expecting in February, Seeking advice..again...

L.D. asks from New York

When i wrote my first request I was very nervous and thought there would be a lot of judgmental women on here but i was very wrong. I have talked to some of the most...


How Much Clothes Shuld a Kid Have?

V.G. asks from Dallas

I have 5 kids and 1 on the way my kids have tons of clothes and sometimes they only wear something once or not at all. I am trying to make room in there closets. I h...


Things Mom's Want to Know When Expecting First Child.

S.J. asks from Los Angeles

I'm preparing a newborn class for new parents. I would like to know what are topics of concern for mothers expecting their first baby, or things you wished you knew w...

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Answer Highlights

  • disconnect your doorbell in 2 answers "You can disconnect your doorbell and remove or pad the door knockers -- use something ..."
  • la leche league in 2 answers "You might want to check out La Leche League, as well."
  • pre natal vitamins in 3 answers "Make sure you take your pre-natal vitamins every day, and if you're scared about food ..."
  • please do get some counseling in 2 answers "Beki, Yes, please do get some counseling for yourself."
  • disconnect the doorbell in 3 answers "This may sound funny but why not disconnect the doorbell and she will be forced to ..."