
Related Questions & Answers

Results 131-140 from 6,074 articles

Does My Son Have a Disorder??

C.S. asks from Fort Collins

I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced these behavior's with their child? My son is 4.5yrs and has hypotonia (low muscle tone). This has impaired his gro...


My Son Wants to Build a Robot

S.T. asks from Los Angeles

My gifted 7-year-old wants to build a robot...a robot dog to be exact. He's been saving all sorts of parts from broken toys and other things to help create his robot...


15 Month Old Not Very Verbal

A.B. asks from Lawrence

My 15 month old, Bella, is not very verbal at all. I wasn't really concerned about it until my boyfriend asked about it last week. "Does it seem like she should be ta...


Low Muscle Tone

H.S. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi All - my son who is now 14 months old was diagnosed with "low muscle tone" at around 6 months. He wasn't hitting his gross motor milestones. At first I thought t...


Kindergarden or Not?

K.C. asks from Minneapolis

Need advise regarding my son going to kindergarden, he is a summer baby, he turns 5 in July. His pre-school teachers dont think he is ready, he is a very active 4 yo ...


Advice from Other Mom's on My Concerns on My Son's Physical Development

J.W. asks from Philadelphia

I'm looking for some advice or input from anyone that may have experienced the same thing I'm going through. Basically looking to get some peace of mind. I am a firs...


Long Ride with a 10 Month Old

J.S. asks from Dallas

Hey Mamas, I need your help. My in-laws, husband, son, and I will be driving to Knoxville, TN next month in a motor home for a 9 day stay. I'm not looking forward ...


I Feel So Bad for My 5 Year Old!

G.T. asks from Boston

MY DD will be 6 in Nov. I need some confidence building advice for her. I do have her enrolled in gymnastics and swim lessons and she loves both, and it does help h...


Son Is Having a Hard Time with Project

M.C. asks from Detroit

My son has a project to do for school. He has chosen to make wallets out of duct tape. We purchased all the supplies that he needed. So, we have everything set up ...


No Words Yet- EI Question

L.A. asks from New York

Ladies - Our DS is 13.5 months old, and hasn't said any words as yet. The ped wasn't concerned at the 12 month visit. He might just start talking tomorrow, but in...

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Answer Highlights

  • duct tape wallets in 5 answers "If he is really supposed to make 50 duct tape wallets by himself , I would simply ..."
  • like sensory integration disorder in 2 answers "Sounds like sensory integration disorder (my nephew has it). I am not a medical professional ..."
  • sensory processing disorder in 5 answers "I just found out that my 16 month old daughter has sensory processing disorder."
  • duct tape wallet in 2 answers "ETA: No one is going to buy a duct tape wallet."
  • autism spectrum disorders in 2 answers "I have worked with children with autism spectrum disorders for the last fourteen years."