mature woman

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Clomid Isn't Working

T.T. asks from Indianapolis

My husband and I have been TTC #2 since December of ‘07 with no luck. I have PCOS, and in the spring I started taking Prometrium to make me have a period. I still h...


So My Daughter Asked Me This Last Night and Got Me Thinking... Kind of Grim...

R.D. asks from Richmond

My 8 year old randomly asked me last night if a pregnant woman dies, if the baby is saved. I told her it depended on how far along pregnant they were (which went i...


How Can I Indirectly Get My Adult Son and His Loser Girlfriend to Break Up?

J.R. asks from Phoenix

My son has been seeing a woman who is lazy, sloppy, doesn't work, and rarely bathes. She is a parasite that just uses him for the money he spends on her. She has atta...


My Daughter Starting to Call Her Stepmom "Mama"?

L.M. asks from Provo

So my 3 y/o daughter's dad got remarried about 6 months ago - and she adores her stepmom, which I AM happy about - but the last two times she's visited her dad (she's...


Silly Question About Taking a 10 Year Old to See "The King's Speech"

B.M. asks from Chicago

Ok - I know it's R. I saw it right when it came out and truly I was wicked distracted and was answering emails for a work crisis during the movie - I even had to get...


Mama Drama

E.S. asks from New York

OK ladies. Ths is a follow to my nut-free quesiton for those in moms groups. There is one woman in my moms group who alerts us to her daughter's peanut allergy and...


So What Exactly Does Immaturity Look like at Age Six?

R.S. asks from Chicago

I posted a question about our six, soon-to-be, seven year old and received wonderful feedback. Thank you. It has become abundantly clear to me that we really need to ...


To Moms of Only Boys

A.B. asks from Madison

I have a 4 yo and 1 year old, both boys. Last night I was at a wedding and a woman was commenting on how wonderful the relationship is between a mother and a daughte...


Should I Have My Daughter Baptized?

L.S. asks from Wausau

I would really like to get my daughter baptized. The problem...I am divorced from her father who from day one has not wanted her to get baptized. I have primary cus...


Media & Fashion "PLUS SIZE"???

C.O. asks from Washington DC

I am sitting here at my computer and listening to Good Morning America....there is a "plus size model" who is a SIZE 12!!! isn't that the AVERAGE size of a woman h...

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