mature woman

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Are You And/or Your husband/SO the Jealous Type?

E.P. asks from New York

My husband and I were discussing a friend of his who as a particularly jealous wife (it's the second marriage for both of them). The jealousy seems to sabatage their...


Embarrassing Feeling Going to Work

T.A. asks from Springfield

Hi, I am 46yr old woman. For past 15yrs I have stayed home, not worked. Now that my kids are big, one in high school and another in college I started for work. I join...


Younger Moms and Older Moms

N.K. asks from Chicago

My sister is nannying for her the family of one of her son's friends this summer to earn extra money (she's a teacher). The mother of the family, who is significantly...


Child Father Said He Would Go 2 Dr. with Me, Stood Me up and Ignored My Calls?

N.J. asks from Memphis

He dumped me at 7 weeks. I can't believe I'm in love with him still. And as u may have guess I've continued sleeping with him although he dumped me. He has made a com...


Seeking Parenting & Marital Advice

C.C. asks from Atlanta

I am trying to decide whether or not to end my mariage. My husband has left again. He was only home 2 days. (long enough to ask me not to discuss our probs until l...


7 Year Old Son's "Curiosities!"

J. asks from Chicago

Yesterday my 7 year old son did something that I NEVER would have expected and attempted to do a Google search for "Naked Girls." I know he is just naturally curious...


Girls Night Out

T.F. asks from Los Angeles

I'm going out tonight for dinner and dancing with about 7 other ladies tonight. It's my first time out with just the girls since I had kids. From the emails that ha...


Daughter Is 16 Going on 30.

M.N. asks from Boise

My daughter just turned 16 in January. Last her father and I agreed that she could stay with him in Colorado for one year. Her father and I have been divorced since 1...


What to Do Bout Boyfriends Jealous Son

W.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have been dating a awesome guy for 2 months and we adore one another. We are in our 40's. I have no children but I love kids. He has a 16 yr old son that lives with...


My Husband Secret Still Hunts Me.

A.H. asks from Salt Lake City

This question is for those who has gone to something similar. My husband is a very good man, always helping others even when he has little time or money, he is respec...

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