maternity skirt

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Results 21-30 from 80 articles

Need a Little Fashion Advice

C.L. asks from Duluth

I have a holiday event to go to this coming weekend and am having a heck of a time finding something to wear. I have a dress that happens to be a maternity dress (not...


Swimsuit Advice for Nursing Mom

L.S. asks from Dallas

Okay, I am NOT a pool rat. As a cancer survivor, we take our family for mountain vacations instead! However, my 3 yr old is going to swimming lessons, and I need so...


Has Anyone Been in a Wedding in Their Last Trimester?

B.B. asks from New York

My BF from high school is getting married this April! Yay! It is only me and out other girlfriend in the wedding, and she is super laid back, so she said we can pic...


7 Year Old Boy and Inappropriate Languge

S.S. asks from Seattle

I've had a couple issues with my son and a neighbor girl who is one year older. They generally love playing together, and have done pretty well for the last 6 years. ...


Weight Gain in Pregnancy - Nothing Fits!

J.H. asks from Columbus

I am 4 months pregnant, and I'm struggling with my slow but steady weight gain. I have gained around 6-7 lbs so far, which isn't that much, until I'm trying to fit in...


When Did You Start to Show?

A.A. asks from Chicago

Hey mamas- Just kinda wondering when did you start to show with your pregnancy? First or the ones after that? My hubby thinks I am wacked because I am five weeks a...


Etiquette Question - What Do I Wear, and What Gift Do We Bring??

B.B. asks from New York

My husband always just seems to run into important people and make a really good impression! We have been invited to Sunday brunch hosted by a Senior United States D...


Wearing a Girdle While Pregnant?

A.G. asks from Pocatello

I know this is an odd questions and may seem vain so please no rude comments. Back story is I am 5 weeks pregnant and my hubby just left for Iraq for a year. I just h...


Workout Clothes as Fashion

J.G. asks from Chicago

I know that yoga pants use to be a fashion thing, but lately I keep seeing women in full on workout clothes or just workout pants everywhere i go. They aren't headed ...


Do You Have a Friend That Is Always Asking to Borrow Something??

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

Hi my good friend Irene. She is lovely and we have become good friends. She has no children so and I have four kids. Anyhow she is always asking to borrow this or tha...

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