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Results 51-60 from 213 articles

What Things Should I Consider...

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Bouncing off my recent post about becoming a SAHM, my mind is just reeling, and I'm already trying to think of how my NOT working will save us money. Of course I wan...


Pls. Help a Fellow Mom.. Looking for Work at Home Opportunity to Be with Kids.

J.M. asks from New York

I am looking for a Work-At-Home career so that I can spend more time with my children. Do you or know someone that has a Work at Home job opportunity available? I...


Gender Bending Careers

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

OK--so the male daycare provider question got me thinking about whether I knew anyone who had a job that kind of bends the stereotypical gender thing. I can only thi...


Stay at Home Moms...

T.S. asks from Nashville

For those stay at home moms on a limited income, how do you do it? My husband and I both work full time. He is a truck driver and is only home a few days every 3-5 ...


Teething Tablets Safe?

R.M. asks from Los Angeles

My 7 month old is finally getting ready to get her first teeth. It is causing her to have a really hard time falling asleep - its like she wants to suck on her pacif...


Wahms - What Do You Do and How Did You Get Started?

L.L. asks from Charleston

I am a career driven person, but we have come to the point where it is no longer cost effective for us to pay for child care and me to work. I love my career, but as...


Work from Home

T.M. asks from New York

Are there any trustworthy work from home opportunities? I recently went back to work after having my 2nd child. When we had our daughter, we were able to rely on our ...


A Possible Motive...

J.W. asks from St. Louis

I am watching the local news, apparently their tease is the nut case bomber in Oslo has admitted it was him and told authorities his motive. Does anyone out there ...


Looking for Work from Home Employment

S.P. asks from Houston

With the rising costs of gas and groceries I am interested in finding a way to earn extra income by working from home. I am currently an Independent Southern Living ...


Husband Doesn't Seem Happy and I Can't Help...

M.A. asks from Cincinnati

Hey Moms. I'm hoping I can get some encouragement &/or advice about my marriage. My husband a wonderful, hardworking, loyal man, but he hasn't seemed happy for a whil...

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Answer Highlights

  • gentle naturals teething drops in 2 answers "... teeth (this was drs orders). then i disovered the gentle naturals teething drops ..."
  • absolutely no side effects in 2 answers "I used them with my babies with excellent results and absolutely no side effects other ..."
  • hylands teething gel in 2 answers "I found the Hyland's teething gel to work better (it is harder to find but I got it ..."
  • used teething tablets in 4 answers "I used teething tablets with my children, my sister did, and so have my friends all ..."
  • call your car insurance in 2 answers "This is what comes to my your car insurance company and tell them you'll ..."