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Getting My Child to Stay Positive About School Work

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My son is in pre-k. He loves going to school very much. About twice a week the pre-k teacher sends them home with worksheets. She stresses, however, that these are...


Daycare Provider off Her Rocker????

A.L. asks from Lancaster

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Do You Shop at Thrift Stores?

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Hypocondriac, Help......

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hi everyone my question is what are the cheapest gorcery stores? we live in massachusetts and it is expensive enough to live in this state but not to mention the gro...


Omega 3 and Fish Oil for ADD

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Hi, My 11 year old DS was diagnosed with Aspergers, Anxiety and ADD. He currently is on meds to control his anxiety and that has helped a lot but all of the meds ...


Attacks in Libya - Do You Care When the Word 'Terror' Was Used?

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I keep seeing news articles about when the Obama administration (and Obama himself) labeled the attack on US Embassy personnel in Libya as an 'act of terror' versus a...


Am I the Only Mom Who Cares??? a Poll About Grades...

C.O. asks from Washington DC

I have my tween son (12 years old going on 21) behind me. We are having an argument - or debate - that **I** am the ONLY MOM ON EARTH who cares about his grades. He t...


Info for Making Income from Working on Computer at Home

M.R. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Ladies! I live in So. Cal and I'm looking to see if there is any employment from working on my computer. My husband is temp totally disabled, and I work part-t...


Car Seat Shopping

D.D. asks from Kansas City

We are moving from the infant carrier to a forward facing car seat. I really can't justify spending $250 on one. Anyone have a strong opinion as to which ones are r...

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