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Related Questions & Answers

Results 111-120 from 213 articles

Breast Pumps

J.D. asks from Bloomington

I'm looking for advice on the best breast pumps. With my previous pregnancy (over 5 years ago) I used one of the medulla brest pumps, which worked great, but I really...



Z.V. asks from Minneapolis

I really want to return to school... but im not sure for what or where... where can i start adventuring my journey to set a suitable schedule for me and my daughter t...


Hard to Be Smart When You're Lied To

A.J. asks from Williamsport

OK. So for moms who are following politics and watched the State of the Union and Republican Response last night, and have been keeping up with the situation (not peo...


ADHD Family in Crises!

T.Y. asks from Rochester

Hello, My name is T. Im a 32 year old mother of four! 3 boys and a girl. All three of my boys have ADHD! It make for a very difficult day on my part sometimes. Gettin...


ADHD With Inattentiveness

M.T. asks from New York

Hi, I have an almost 11 year old daughter who has a generalized anxiety disorder and is being ruled out for ADHD with inattentive. She is having trouble in school pa...


Seeking Info. on Home Business Opportunities.

A.P. asks from Killeen

Hi ladies, I recently read some of the e-mails and I was touched by the resposes to those in need of help or advice. So, I thought I would reach out to you guys. I...


I Am Grateful

E.S. asks from New York

To be just getting by despite continued unemployment. I am grateful to have a roof over my head, my family's health and mine. I take life one day at a time and know i...


Alternatives to Bleaching

D.J. asks from Seattle

I currently use bleach for cleaning and laundry but have ruined so many pairs of clothes that I am ready to give up bleach and am seeking for alternatives that are no...



J.P. asks from Nashville

I have just recently started crying all day long for no reason at all. Could anybody tell me if I am going through the change and if I need hormones for this..Please ...


Has Anyone Tried This?

D.M. asks from St. Louis

As a teenager I was very fortunate not to have but the occasional acne bump and most of my 20's I had clear skin but the last few years I have started breaking out ba...

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Answer Highlights

  • flax seed oil in 2 answers "... are able to get additional essential fatty acids from high-quality Flax Seed Oil ..."
  • more than 50 percent in 2 answers "But it's not more than 50% of all spending, it is more than 50% of ""
  • medela pump n style in 2 answers "I used a Medela Pump N Style. I got it from my sister - I just bought new hoses and ..."
  • worth every penny in 3 answers "My Medela Pump N Style was the best $279 I ever spent. Worth every penny."
  • holistic health counselor in 2 answers "I am a holistic health counselor who specializes in the health of women and children."