Anyone have any suggestions on how to teach a 2.5 year old how to peddle a bike or tricycle? I am not sure if its something that just happens but she so wants to ride...
My daughters are good students, but do not want to do extra curricular activities at home and they spend all their time on IPhone or Ipad. They do not have enough hom...
Hi Moms
Once again I am seeking your advice with my daughter. In the past I wrote about my daughters immaturity and recommendation for OT. So this past Thursday...
Hey Ladies!
Have any of you tried the as a learning tool for your children. I am looking for a way to help my kids be more productive at home rather ...
My son is 4. Everytime we try and "teach" him something (such as ABC's or numbers) he stops us and says "I don't want to learn. It's no fun" then goes back to his tru...
I would like for my daughter to learn Chinese. Anyone, have any suggestions on where to go. She is so very proud of being Chinese and would like her to embrass her ...
My daughter is getting to point where she is learnin to walk and i need help or opinions on wat kind of shoes to buy? She is 10 months old and all she wants to do is...
Any ideas when a toddler starts to learn letters and numbers? as well as colors and shapes? I do teach and play with my son so please don't take this question the wro...
Hi~ I have an interesting one.. I am hoping someone has heard of this before. My daughter is in Kindergarden and has problems associating here letters and numbers. S...
Hi ladies,
My oldest son just finished kindergarten but his barley passed because of his attention problems. He love playing on the computer so I was wondering of th...