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Results 81-90 from 197 articles

When to Stop Breastfeeding

J.N. asks from Lincoln

I am looking for opinions on when it is ok to stop breastfeeding. I nursed my 1st child to 11 mo, second didn't work out so well, and was only able to nurse for 7 we...


Unexplained Uterine Bleeding Since May 2007

C.F. asks from Charlotte

Starting in May 2007 I began to bleed very heavy like I was on my menstraul cycle. Heavy bleeding for my time of the month is not unusual so I thought nothing of it b...


Multiple Miscarriages and Factor V

N.M. asks from Milwaukee

My sister is only 28 years old and has one child who is almost 6 years old. This pregnancy went perfect. Since then she has had 5 miscarriages. She just found out ...


Information on Myelopathy of the Spine, and MS Condtions.

M.C. asks from Modesto

Do anyone know about Myelopathy of the Spine, and MS...they're almost alike in the syptoms that I have. Or what suggestions about them when I do have either one of them?


Dealing with My Chain Smoking Mom

M.B. asks from Washington DC

I have a wonderful mother, who is very generous and caring. Her one major downfall is that she chain smokes. I've asked her not to do it around me (I'm 7 months pre...


Tummy Fat

S.C. asks from Boston

Hello, I'm really tired of my belly bulging out. I work out eat the right foods and still it's taking forever for my stomach and love handles to go away. Can anybo...


Classmate Death

M.S. asks from Philadelphia

My daughter is 9 years old and found out her classmate died of a horrible accident yesterday. From my understanding he was playing a game by himself in his room with ...


Chromosomal Microarray (CGH) testing-Is There Any Benefit??

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi. I have a 4 year old son that is speech delayed and that is attending special education preschool. He does not have a diagnosis thus far. We are in the process of...


Recently Diagnosed with Asthma

M.P. asks from Memphis

I am 35 (36 on the 11th) and I was diagnosed with asthma a year ago. It has been hard to find the right medication for me. Everything makes me sicker because it cla...


Any Suggestions for Finding Relief for My 2 Year Old Suffering from Eczema

R.W. asks from Lancaster

I'm looking for relief for my 2 year who has a severe case of Eczema. We've been to the dermatologist several times and nothing they prescribed has worked! I'm look...

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  • factor v leiden heterozygous in 2 answers "I am positive for Factor V Leiden heterozygous(per a blood test) and was diagnosed ..."
  • cod liver oil in 2 answers "... towel on BF... before this I stongly recmd adding a supplement of cod liver oil ..."
  • la leche league in 2 answers "I would highly recommend a nursing support group such as La Leche League who can help ..."
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