My cousin recently started using the Moby Wrap and loves it. She recommended it to me becuase my youngest (2 months) is a "velcro baby". I was just wondering if any...
I really like the moby wraps. I am expecting my 3rd baby in about 4 weeks and would like to use the moby wrap with her. I am a stay at home mom and with the economy...
Has anyone every used the carrier called the "Moby Wrap?" How about the Peanut Shell? Baby Bjorn? Tell me what you love or hate about some carriers. Not super in...
I just have about 7 weeks left until our little girl arrives. We're on the countdown. Anyways, I'd really like to have some type of baby carrier by the time she arriv...
Hey ladies-I started hunting around and then thought perhaps this pool of awesome mamas could help me...I'm searching for an insect repellent that WORKS, that's safe ...
I want to give my sister a sling for her new baby (due in 2 weeks!). She already has a 4 year old at home so we need something mobile and is condusive to breastfeedin...
My son loves to be carried. He hates it when I put him down and almost always wakes back up. I need to start getting things done though. I have been looking at slings...
Hi ladies,
I am looking for a baby sling for my next baby (due in May). I am a little hesitant and afraid of suffocation but plan to keep a close eye on him/her at...
I want to purchase a sling to carry my son in. He is 2 months old and LOVES to be held. I also have a 18 mth old girl, so I need some "extra" hands. I was hoping t...
Hi! I'm going to have my 2nd child in a few days and I'd really like to get a sling or pouch to carry her around in. I had a snuggli with my first and didn't like i...