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Results 141-150 from 14,651 articles

Washing Dry Cleanables at Home

E.M. asks from Phoenix

I have 3 pairs of pants that say dry clean only. Two are made of rayon & polyester and the other is wool. I am looking for tips on washing them at home. I did a quic...


Seeking Home Employment Opportunities... I Want to Stay at Home with My Babies!

V.S. asks from Boca Raton

Hello! I currently work full-time (great job) but I also have a 13 month old and one more on the way. I am exploring my options of staying at home but can't do it u...


I Need a Job from Home!!!!

S.A. asks from Dallas

Hey girls... I have a little one and a teenager and want to work from home. Does anyone know of a company that offers at home jobs or even a business that I can sta...


How to Work at Home with Little Ones

B.B. asks from Austin

it sounds like a lot of moms are staying home and working from home. I am curious how you find time to work (especially if it requires phone calls) when your little ...


Work at Home Moms

C.M. asks from Detroit

Hello mama's I am trying to reorganize my home and work life. What are some of the work at home jobs that are out there? what are your, your family or friends experi...


Trouble with Finding Home Schooling?

J.K. asks from Colorado Springs

I dont know where to begin on how to home school and my son isnt learnin much with the school so i was wonderin where do i look to find out how to get him home schooled?


Contemplating Home School

V.R. asks from San Francisco

I was just wondering other moms thoughts about home schooling? I have 3 kids and i have been seriously thinking about home schooling. Does anyone home school in sj,...


Stay at Home Jobs

S.T. asks from Kansas City

Does anyone know of any legit work at home jobs for Moms? Thanks.


Seeking Home Employment Opportunity

A.L. asks from Dallas

I was wondering if anyone knows of any legit work from home programs. I am interested in making some extra money for the family, but the only work from home things I ...


For Those of You Who Work from Home What Do You Do How Did You Get Started?

M.E. asks from Boca Raton

For those who work from home how did you get started? Im concerned that some are scams. Thanks so much

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Answer Highlights

  • christian home educators of colorado in 2 answers "... are Christian, I highly recommend CHEC ( Christian Home Educators of Colorado ..."
  • youd like more info in 2 answers "working". If you'd like more info on wine tastings, check out Janet's website at ..."
  • wine tastings in 2 answers "I do in-home wine tastings like Janet...I work around my and my kid's schedule."
  • calls during nap in 2 answers "... it helps them to see that it is okay :) I mainly schedule my calls during nap ..."
  • tastings in the evening in 2 answers "I do the tastings in the evening sans kids and whatever work needs to be done on the ..."