Just curious if any other moms out there have pre-schoolers with coldsores/herpes virus. I am wondering how you handle them...how long if any do you keep your kids ou...
My oldest is almost 3. She had probably 5 cold sores last year and has one again! What on earth could this be from!? I've only had two in my life (when I was beyond s...
My nephew has had an ongoing issue in his mouth since he was a toddler. He is now 9 years old and doctors have told his mother there is nothing that can be done, jus...
My MIL has a cold sore on her mouth that is at the stage right after it scabs up - the scab is no longer there but a bump of pink skin where the cold sore was last we...
I am a very germ conscious (sp?) person, I am very thorough in the cleanliness of the environment that my daughter is surrounded by. What did I do wrong? How did sh...
Peridically throughout the year my ten year old son will get a huge blister on his lower lip - it's about the size of a dime, is red & yellow in color. Our pediatric...
Hi Moms!
Please tell me that someone else has had this problem. I'm almost 7 months pregnant and have suddenly developed what feels like cold sores all over my chee...
I was having a great pregnancy when at 8 months I got hit with Bell's Palsy. Supposedly, it comes on fast from what I have read but mine came on over the course of 2...
so a couple days ago, i notices a wierd white dot on my daughters lower lip. it looked like she had fallen and bit her lip, so i wasnt worried at first. but then it s...