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Advice Please

B.P. asks from Dallas

Mamas, I need some advice...I am engaged/living with my fiancee for 1 1/2 yrs now. He has three boys(15,10,6) from a previous marriage and I have one. My son(15) live...


Mother in Law Hlep!

G.C. asks from Chicago

I will try to explain the "short" version of the situation. My mother in law watches my daughter (18 month old) three days a week. My husband and I knew from the be...


My Mother in Law !

L.S. asks from Houston

Hi Mamas, I would love your advise on how to handle my MIL on how "rules" when looking after our son. She's 73, very stubborn and set in her ways. My other Sister ...


In Law Problems

A.K. asks from Lexington

My inlaws have always been very helpful throughout me and my husbands 15 year marriage. Once she told me that money doesn't solve problems, but it makes life alot ea...


Looking for Great Books to Read

J.B. asks from Great Falls

Does anyone have some suggestions of great books they've read? I'm looking for something new to read, and would love any ideas. Thanks! J.


Help with 82 Year Old Mother in Law Who Lives with Us

L.S. asks from St. Louis

I am looking for advice and opinions on my husband and my situation.... my mother in law moved in with us five months ago when we built a new home. She contributed m...


And Some People Think **I** Am Rude

C.O. asks from Washington DC

Today I found out that a dear friend of mine had died yesterday. I have not spoken to him in about 2 months - but we kept in contact with texts and facebook...So I po...


I Don't Know What to Do...

L.T. asks from Orlando

Hello:) Many of you read and responded to my post "Do I have the right to be frustrated?" that I posted in Jan. (http://mamasource.com/request/7848094096739532801/602...


Sleeping Issues at 5 Months

B.M. asks from Dallas

I am having a terrible time letting my daughter Cry It Out. It feels very wrong. She was sleeping 9-12 hours from about 3.5months until 3 weeks ago (she is now 5 mo...


I Have a 13 Year Old Boy Who Hates Me.

T.H. asks from Austin

My husband loves his children very much, but because of work, we live 5 hours away and are not able to see them every other weekend. Their mother indulges their ever...

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