helping hand

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Results 41-50 from 13,812 articles

Helping with Car Sick

A.M. asks from Mobile

I was wondering if anyone could give suggestions on helping my daughter, 23 months on not getting car sick. Three times now she has just all of a sudden started thro...


Helping a Sick Friend

P.R. asks from Jacksonville

I just found out yesterday that a very good friend has a brain tumor. My heart is breaking. She is a wonderful mother or 5 beautiful children. I feel so helpless. ...


Helping Husband to Stay Healthy...

M.O. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have suggestions on how to help my husband stay healthy? He's got a very stressful job right now and for the first time ever he seems to really be gett...


Parents with Autism Spectrum Kids (Or Kids with Quirks like Hand Flapping).

A.D. asks from Seattle

Hi, So my son has been diagnosed with PDD and is getting help from Speech Therapist and Friendship Group. He has really blossomed and is learning to make friends a...


Seeking Advice on How to Show Appreciation for Friend's Hand-me -Downs.

J.Y. asks from Lancaster

I have a friend who has been giving me her daughter's hand-me-downs for three seasons now. The clothes are beautiful, matching sets usually Gymboree and Gap brands. ...


Need Advice with Helping My 9 Years Old Boy with His Multiplication Tables

M.Q. asks from San Juan

Hi girls! I really need advice with helping my 9 years old boy with his multiplication tables. He didn't memorize it yet, and the work is becoming more and more diffi...


Helping a Family with a Sick Child

T.H. asks from Sacramento

Some friends of ours just learned that their almost three year old has cancer. He just went through one major surgery, will soon have another, and then will undergo ...


Are You Too Good for Hand Me Downs?

M.L. asks from Cleveland

I just read the blog on the home page, usually I don't because they are always stupid. This really bugs me. I have never give someone clothing with out asking t...


Safe Hand Cleaning

S.B. asks from Minneapolis

I have an incredibly active 8 month old (she is almost walking independently!) who loves to get into everything. I encourage the exploration, but am unsure of the be...


Hand Lotion Recommendation

W.S. asks from Las Vegas

I have been washing my hands frequently lately as to try not to pass on any germs or bacteria, and now I have constant dry hands. Does anyone have a recommendation f...

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Answer Highlights

  • too good for hand me downs in 3 answers "Oh hell no I'm not too good for hand me downs!"
  • called timez attack in 2 answers "as well. It is called Timez Attack, and I'm sure if you typed that in on the internet ..."
  • been giving hand me downs in 2 answers "I have been giving hand-me downs out regularly to a family who has 6 or 7 kids."
  • him to clap his hands in 2 answers "I also distract him by asking him to clap his hands or by giving him a toy that can ..."
  • love hand me downs in 4 answers "I love hand-me-downs, they have saved me lots of money over the years."