health insurance is a right

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Question About Having Baby with Poor Health Insurance

E.R. asks from St. Louis

My husband and I are wanting to have another baby. Our daughter turned 2 this summer, and we were talking about trying over the holidays. Here is the situation: ...


Need a Better Health Insurance Plan

D.S. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, My husband is a consultant in a company of two people - him and his boss. The problem is that his employer does not provide health insurance. We current...


Looking for a New Health Insurance Policy

N.G. asks from Los Angeles

I hope somebody has a suggestion. We are 60 years old (unusual for this website) with a son a Freshman in college, and pay an absolutely ridiculous amount for health...


Health Insurance Bologna

L.K. asks from San Francisco

A little background. My internist ordered some labs in September 2011. I had them done that month and the lab submitted their bills to the insurance company. Beca...


Invasion of the Health Insurance Carriers

M.C. asks from Detroit

We have medical insurance through my husband's employer. We renewed our policy last month as we have for many years.. One of the changes in the policy requests that...


Looking for Health Insurance Options for Pregnancy

J.M. asks from Detroit

My husband and I want to have another baby. The problem is that he is self-employed and we currently have to purchase our health insurance. I have looked into buyin...


Need Prenatal Care No Health Insurance

J.C. asks from Kansas City

I have a friend who is 20 weeks pregnant, and needs to get into an Midwife/OB ASAP. She just went to the ER on Friday and has fibroids that are extremely painful. Th...


Health Insurance Broker Makes $$?

N.R. asks from Chicago

I worked with a broker a couple of years ago - a friend of a friend - to find our current health care plan. Recently, she called to set up a meeting to see if we need...


Health Insurance- Help Me Understand How It Works Here?

S.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi there My husband and I have just moved from the UK and we are trying to make sense of health insurance packages so we can choose a package for next year- we hav...


Researching Health Insurance Plans for My Daughter

D.C. asks from St. Louis

Hello Mamas, Just wanted to get some feedback from you about private health insurance plans. My husband lost his job so we need to get coverage for our almost 2 yea...

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