hand held games

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Results 151-160 from 1,775 articles

Teenaged Drinking and School Notification

S.J. asks from Dallas

My 17 year old daughter was at a friends house, and they found alcohol in the house. As teenagers often do, they started drinking it. My daughter tells me that a fr...


Electronic Learning System Recommendations

R.C. asks from York

My son turned 3 in July. He loves playing games and doing the activities on sproutonline.com. For Christmas my husband and I want to get him an electronic learning ...


Ideas on Nintendo DS Portable Gaming System Versus Leapfrog for a 3 Year Old

J.D. asks from Phoenix

I'm not tech saavy and need ideas/guidelines on Nintendo DS or a similar system. I want to get my son a game system. He is currently 3 years old. I want it to be pri...


I Need Your Feelings About the Vsmile Motion Game System Please

B.C. asks from Dallas

I got a vsmile motion game system for my soon-to-be 3 year old daughter. I didn't pay for it. I traded a bike for it on Craigslist. It's brand new and we havn't used ...


How Old Were Your Kid(s) When You Got Them Their First Video Game?

J.S. asks from St. Louis

Hi mamas, My husband and I did not want to start the big, bad video game deal very early. We knew that inevitably our boys would ask for one--once they were old en...


Do You Ever Want to Shove Peoples Cell Phones up Their Butt?

ღ.. asks from Detroit

So, I went on the field trip with my daughters class last Friday! It was super fun btw, I am so glad I was able to go and the precious kid could have held my hand th...


Gaming Systems for My 3 & 5 Yr Olds

A.P. asks from Kansas City

My 2 boys will be 3 & 5 this Christmas. We are considering buying them Leapfrog Leapster 2's for their birthdays. Has anyone had any experiences with this gaming syst...


Which Is the Best Child's Computer?

C.S. asks from Dallas

My five year old is all over our computer! I would like to reclaim the family computer and I know a simple toy is not going to hold her attention. Even an advanced ...


Need Opinion on V. Tech TV Learning System

S.T. asks from Sherman

O.K. Moms I need help. I have a four year old who loves TV and Video Games. I am wanting to get the V.Smile TV Learning System for him this Christmas. I have checked ...


Tablet or Ipad for 6 and 8 Yr Olds?

A.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, Do your kids have a tablet or Ipad? If so, what do they do on it? My kids both have a laptop (our used ones) which they nominally do some 'homework' on it ...

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Answer Highlights

  • able to join the armed forces in 2 answers "... want to talk about the age old argument of being able to join the armed forces ..."
  • even if its done off campus in 2 answers "... to NOT have consequences for drug or alcohol use even if it's done off campus."
  • chaperoning a field trip in 2 answers "... schools should make it a mandatory rule that if you are chaperoning a field trip ..."
  • kicked out of nhs in 2 answers "We've had students kicked off of the cheerleading team, kicked out of NHS, and kicked ..."
  • kindle fire in 4 answers "I have an ipad mini, a android pad and a kindle fire HD."