I Need Your Feelings About the Vsmile Motion Game System Please

Updated on July 28, 2010
B.C. asks from Arlington, TX
5 answers

I got a vsmile motion game system for my soon-to-be 3 year old daughter. I didn't pay for it. I traded a bike for it on Craigslist. It's brand new and we havn't used it yet b/c the reviews that I am looking at are mixed. Should I keep it and get some games for it, or pass it to someone else? I just don't want to waste any money on it if it's not gonna be worth it. Anyone that can tell what you think of it?

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answers from Dallas on

My daughter is 5 and she had the hand held so she can take it on the go and also has the system. She loves it. We love it, it keeps her entertained in the car, trips, when were out to eat. She also learns from it too. I think its a great way for them to learn different things with the different games they have for it. Good luck.



answers from Joplin on

i got one for my son and he really enjoyed it.....he's 5 now and so he is getting into the older boys games,but he still plays it now and then....the vsmile motion and smartcycle.....I got both of these very educational....I could tell they taught him alot. I am like the one poster though she may not be into anything until after maybe the age of 3...4 more like it. but i encourage parents to get these types of games I mean what better way to teach a child then having fun while doing so? also vmotion you can just do the joystick mode 2.



answers from Dallas on

We got it for my daughter last Christmas, she was 3. It is a little hard at first useing the remote, but once she got the hang of it she loved it! We get games for it at Kid to Kid, much cheaper!



answers from Laredo on

We got my son his for x-mas and he really likes it. It was a little hard for him to get used to working the remote but once he got it he played with it more and more. You just have to make sure and get the games that they want to play and that are in their age range.

My sons b-day was just a couple of weeks ago and he got the handheld Leapster. Since he has gotten that he has not wanted to play with the Vsmile motion once. I think he enjoys more that he can take it with him in the car or to the grocery store.

Either one though are really good and educational learning systems.



answers from St. Louis on

hubby got it for my DD for 2nd bday and it's too old for her. I'm thinkin that the ages are 4-7yo.

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