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Related Questions & Answers

Results 141-150 from 1,563 articles

Age Range Between Your Kiddos

M.B. asks from New York

What are the age ranges between your kiddos? What do you think are the pros and cons of those age ranges. We have 2 boys - 16 months apart. I really love this ra...


Suggestions for Toddler Backpack W/ Harness

T.K. asks from Seattle

Hello Mamas! I have a 20 month old son who loves to run around everywhere. I tend to keep him in the grocery cart or stroller when we run errands, but I would like to...


Toys for 18 Month Old

B.B. asks from Davenport

Does anyone know of attention holding toys for 18 month olds? My daughter does not seem to be interested in ANY of her toys (and she is not lacking too much). She lik...


Do You Ever Feel Like

I.S. asks from Sacramento

you feel you are the only person experiencing these problems with your kid(s)??? I feel that all the time, yet when I read here on Mamapedia of you fine ladies hav...


I Need Advice from the Experts... I Need Mommies!!

V. asks from Chicago

I am looking for some ideas to get my 1 year old son to cooperate in his carseat, stroller, highchair and shopping cart. He totally hates being restrained. I have t...


Is My Child 'Normal' or a Brat

H.W. asks from Des Moines

I love my 2 yo little boy more than anything and am blessed to stay at home with him every day! However, lately he has been more difficult to deal with and I am wond...


2 1/2 Year Old How to Discipline

C.P. asks from San Francisco

I am getting so fedup with my 2.5 year old daughter tantruming and throwing herself on the ground whenever I take her out in public!!! I feel like I have no control ...


Toddlers and Dropping Everything Phase

A.F. asks from New York

My question is how do I get my almost 17 month old to stop dropping her bottle or sippy cup on purpose, especially in stores? It is becoming very frustrating lately. ...


Share Please...

T.E. asks from Los Angeles

My almost three year old has been acting a bit more hyper. Every where we go she wants to walk and touch everything and climb everything. Im staring to worry that she...



M.R. asks from Salt Lake City

Ok, I *NEVER* thought that I would go through this!!! I'm about to loose my sanity!! So my daughter just turned two years old in October the 18th. It's pretty muc...

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Answer Highlights

  • do you want to wear the pink in 2 answers "... by yourself, or would you like me to help you?" "Do you want to wear the pink ..."
  • too shall pass in 3 answers "So hang tight and don't worry...this too shall pass :)"
  • giving me dirty looks in 2 answers "... and get some food in them, when an older couple started giving me dirty looks ..."
  • gives him the chance in 2 answers "... he wandered I would have to hold the monkey's tail. This gives him the chance ..."
  • monkey backpack in 2 answers "... bough one and I do not regret it one bit!! We have eddie bauer monkey backpack ..."